Hello my fellow people

Stop ther’ criminal scum!

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its monday and i don’t want to go to work, but at least i can bump this thread.

I woke up pretty early today cuz i wasnt queuing ashran till 5 am

Going to bed at 1230 does wonders, whod have known

mind the bump

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My last task of the evening

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We morning forumsers will take over from here.



this morning was rough though.

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I’m back to being Demonsocks. Sockfullafel got old.

I always forget to switch my toon back to my main. Duffski jumped on back in the “OMG the Twinks” phase and well I guess he’s my official forumtard now.

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Its mid august already?


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I’m sleeping in and pretending it’s June

But why!

Classic comes out in 11 days!

I’m ready!
Got my three toons named and waiting :slight_smile:

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What names if you dont mind my asking

I initially considered some fun names with fancy umlauts and all, then it hit me… usually you need those alt key fonts because the simple original name was taken… so I nabbed- ‘Claws’ and ‘Run’ for my Druid and Mage. I made another ‘Daqbet’ too for sentimental reasons though I’m sure it’s a name I did not need to compete for lol
I cant say how much time I’ll put into Classic. I tried the Stress Test over the weekend and it was nothing more than I expected. Old WoW. It did not fulfill some lost yearnings for a mythical past and to be honest I kind of like having world quests spoon fed to me lol

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To each their own.

Yeah managed to snag my name. More importantly, got “Vietcong” for the RP-PvP server too. Bring on the STV!

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Fill in the blanks:

Speed _____
____ in the road
____ and grind

I love these games. Is it suppose to be one word that goes in all four blanks or 4 different words?

If it’s one word to go in all 4 blanks then “poop” and “bump” work.

Speed poop…poop and grind

Poop and grind…speed poop

Think I’m gonna nope out on finding what those are.

Back when I was a young pup and trying to date girls and you get invited over but then your nerves attack your colon and you don’t want to stay in the bathroom longer than what it seems like a pee trip would take. Speed poop.

I probably shouldn’t go into detail on this one.