Hello my fellow people

Good, get this thread back to it’s roots. Good, good, good.

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(post withdrawn by author)

I would withdraw this post but yo I don’t know how to delete this.

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You’re why we can’t have vendors. Thanks a lot!

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Ask in guild chat if there’s someone who knows how to delete posts.

Yes I am the reason we don’t have vendors. I’m also the reason you jump off cliffs :slightly_smiling_face:

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Don’t flaunt your deleting skills.

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I’m here to officially kill this thread.
Done! Dead!
Stick a fork in it
Last post, I win
Give me my Treasure Chest full of Epics and gold…and a rare mount :grin:
(mic drop)

3 days?? What is this sorcery?

I just wanted to jump on and tell you that I’m really glad you’re doing ok

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WTF people!?!
I had this thing won. Last poster is to be me…me me me!
Stop with the replies and creepy videos and just stay away.
Nothing to see here
Shoo! :rage:

That’s because you never met me :crazy_face:

maybe not but you have a sister, right?

bump :sunglasses:

They are changing the WC3 story with reforged. Golden is rewriting and retconning it.

It’s taken wayyyy too long to release that. I’ve had this awful itch to play wc3 but I’ve been trying my hardest to not play and wait on reforged.

Kinda lame about changing the storyline too. I don’t care if things have been retconned.

I do care about the retcon, I don’t trust Golden to rewrite things in a good way, given her track record with BFA.

I meant it as I don’t care if things have been retconned don’t change the story and just give me the game already.

you didn’t think we forgot about this thread, did you?

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I certainly didnt, but i wanted other peeps to bump it. Glory must be shared!

Oh for effing sakes I thought I killed this thread a month ago!
You people! :angry: