Hello from Emerald Dream

wriggles tongue

Hello. The machine is ready and we have crossed dimensions for your supple elf folk. We’ll be back again when we need more, thanks.


We’ll let you know when they grow a new tree I guess.

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Guess…there really is no rp on Emerald Dream. I mean, if there was, surely they wouldnt be wasting time performing inane, nonsensical acts such as this.


This is the essence of Emerald Dream, very wise my friend, very wise indeed.

Goldshire is so bad that even marauding Horde avoid it. I used to play on Emerald f***ing Dream and I had a character in Warsong Battalion. I grew up.


Yeah and you won’t believe who is responsible for that.

And hi, good to see WSB coordinating off world 40 mans to come disrupt RP


I enjoy saying hi to MG as well!

Lot of fun, thanks everyone.

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