Hello Fall!

Cooler weather is so much better than that hot, humid, buggy stuff.

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Dang it,need one of those to blow all the leaves to our neighbor . :innocent: :shushing_face:


See, I just take the lawn mower and just hit the leaves with teh mower XD

The leaves go into the grass and helps fertilize it.


I got too much mulch for that this summer but the neighbor can sure use it. :wink:

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hehe :stuck_out_tongue:

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summer forever!

Soon it will be chicken and dumplings weather

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It could be 200 degrees outside and be chicken and dumplings weather.


Fair but at the same time, it hits different depending on the time of year.

Like a person feels the season change and ya just know that when you feel it change ā€œah itā€™s time for this foodā€ kind of thing. You know what I mean?

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Chili and pot roast sound good this time of year too.

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I would appreciate this time of year much more if the trees didnā€™t go dormant.
Living in a place where the entire forest is dormant during winter is a special level of bleak that I donā€™t think people that live among lots of evergreens appreciate.

I love the cold, love the idea of living in an incredibly dark, gloomy, snowy place in a pine forest. But what I live in is bright and sunny, yet still quite cold, grey hell for about five or six months.

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off topic why is it everytime noscript activates and blocks something as potentially malicious it messes up discourse?

On the flip side of that coin, itā€™s the aesthetically pleasing thing.

Itā€™s why a lot of folks around here have Holly / Pine trees so during the winter time thereā€™s still green etc.

Sure things die down but itā€™s part of the seasons changing. Think of it as the trees shedding instead of going dormant.

I have no idea.

I wish I had a lot of pines and hollies around. Thereā€™s two hollies and three small pines near me, everything else is just oak oak oak as far as you can see.
When this land is in my name, I will be finding a way to get more of the pines in the front yard at least.

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yeah everytime noscript blocks something and i scroll over it or reopen thread it messes up the thread. makes it practically unreadable.

Ah got you yeah I have absolutely no idea. Iā€™m sorry :frowning:

its fine. probably a problem with discourse.

Oh yes, :yum: dreams do come true.

It was the fall equinox yesterday but youā€™d never know it by the almost 100 degree weather where Iā€™m at.

Summer has its claws on us and refuses to let go. We probably wonā€™t be seeing cooler temps until late October if weā€™re lucky.