Heirlooms Bonus - Not Fun

And repair costs.

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I don’t like the idea of RNG bonus, the current one isn’t RNG because it triggers when you level up but controlling when you’re gonna level up and how you’re gonna use those 2 min buff time is really a lot of micromangment that end in a similar RNG factor, previous iteration that only provided a flat XP increase was more deterministic.

I’d prefer a bonus that i can use as part of the set, that i know is being triggered when i needed and not at moments on which i won’t benefit from it.

You could always enchant them. Legs, shoulders, rings, weapons… One enchant per piece (short of trinkets and helms), and it lasts you near the whole time while leveling giving you a mild to significant boost while leveling. And crazy thing, you can even mail the piece to the next alt, keeping its fancy enchants and lack of repairs for your next toon that levels, so you wouldn’t have to fork out for that measly sum for a bunch of enchants no one wants to buy.

They’re still a significant powerhouse, but I have come to realize people are truely ignorent as to what BoA can really mean for gear.

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Fair enough.

I floated the idea because a lot of people think they should have the same power as epic quality gear.

Personally I am not a fan of Burst of Knowledge for the same reasons you outlined as being unreliable. I would be okay with it if it became on-use effect that got a new charge every time you leveled.


I do the same, I use a sigle set of heirloom weapons from Garrosh with gems and enchats and other pieces, actually during MT i couldn’t enchant the Heirloom 2H weapon with crusader enchant on my war but a low level alt could do it because the weapon lvl lower, so i did that and sent it back to the war. easy.

Still i feel that putting tier set bonuses and don’t think about how those works on different playstyles is a bad design.

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I agree. I don’t think they intended to give meaningful bonuses to take the place of benefits players used to get from the xp buff.

Luckily, I’d gamble someone in a business suit somewhere realized they were making alot of money selling tokens so people could buy that Crusader enchant for their crappy MT and they still left it as a significant powerhouse for leveling/Timewalks.

1 Crusader enchant on a weapon, and it lasts you for leveling/MT/Timewalks ANY toon that can use that weapon.

Im not sure who would logically suggest heirlooms are not as good ilvl wise as quest rewards but my understanding at least prior to the set bonus change was the heirlooms are supposed to be dungeon level quality.

I dont think I make 30k a week from those same in game activities but I dont pay attention to that either now and I dont think anyone is concerned about expense of the items. Its about the benefit the items once had in relation to the now trivial benefits they have and their only convenience now being not having to worry about keeping gear up to date as you level.

I personally dont see any heirloom bonus that feel that significant pr relevant but the main reason for me at this point is I can focus on leveling not best gear etc but I imagine these days the gear really isnt as significant as it once was as the leveling process has been notably streamlined.

Maybe one day when I have nothing else I want to do in game Ill level without heirlooms.

Another simple fix, it only decays while in combat :open_mouth:


I mean at least you impress the quest givers


The trinkets can be nice.

Many will not see them till later. if at all. so them there day 1 is nice

Haste fixes many sluggish rotations so I double dip the haste trinkets often on levelers.


They should revert the heirloom changes so that they give more xp again. No reason it should take more than 5 hours to level my 25th alt.

I wasted a ton of gold upgrading my heirlooms to 59. Not worth it. Past 44 is a pure waste of time.
I get better gear from loot after 44.
Rested bonus is all they give you. You can get that sleeping in an inn.

Im ok with the rested bonus - i level my alts a bit at a time and this way rewards it because i currently have 5 alts all with max rested. The burst bonus is amazing if you gain a level at the right time but its completly wasted if at the wrong time - id like the bonus to last 30 mins so it feels meaningful. The out of combat regen is almost completly wasted due to the amount of self healing most classes have - this could be changed to a passive movement speed buff.

Yeah Heirlooms are trash now, Blizzard ruined them.

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P.S buy level boosts
-Love Blizzard


IMO heirlooms had the xp gains removed so they can sell more boosts.


Blizz would sell more boosts if they let you single level boost :+1:

Boosts are $60 and take you to 60 so that is $1 per level, though technically it only gives a max of 59 levels since you don’t start at level 0 so $1.01 a level. If they sold single level boosts for $2 people would scoop them as it’s difficult to swallow $60 for 10 levels if you are at 50 even if you hate leveling :laughing:

All that said I still stand behind my idea

the heirlooms are gutted, totally gimp.
i always go purple after about an hour and stays purple all the way to 60 with a few little blue spots occasionally.

not sure why blizz gutted the heirlooms. they also took out pig sticker, which had 2 sockets great for druids with mage tower, but only “select few” people have that now who got it before the gutting.

Upgrade heirlooms with timewalking coins.