Heals and DPS LF Horde Raiding guild - pref 2x week - Tues/Thurs/or Fri

Server doesn’t matter as we’re both willing to switch servers for the right guild. All of our mains are horde, so would prefer a horde guild.

436 holy priest main 9/9H but I have max level somewhat geared healer alts I can swap to and gear up for next tier, I’m pretty flexible. Holy Priest is what I’ve done since BFA so I have the most experience with that. My friend mains resto druid (also 436) and unholy/frost dk (438) also 9/9H.

Looking to raid twice a week on Tues, Thurs, or Fri - no later than 11 EST.
Message me on discord if you have a spot available for both of us! Discord: jenfinite

Hey there! I’m recruiting for my guild on A52! We are looking for 2 healers or DPS for our AoTC group!

Hey there key,

Id love to chat with both of you guys about spots on my roster for 10.2. I sent a disc request and will leave my info below and hope to chat soon!

Disc - doctersauce