Healing Focus (Resto shaman talent) may be a victim of batching

Why do I think this? Here’s my experience with being pushed back.

Scenario 1: 0% pushback from all damage taken within 0.5-1~ second.
Scenario 2: 100% pushback from all damage taken within 0.5-1~ second.

It’s either 100% or 0% based on the 70% chance for a small duration of time; most noticeable when I get hit 3+ times within that period.

This may sound dumb at first, but it only becomes obvious when you’re being hit a LOT. In 0.5-1 second you can easily get hit 3+ times, and I very consistently either ignore every single one, or none at all.

Healing in PvP is already hectic enough as it is.

If I’m the only one to experience this, then I guess my memory is selective; I understand that this happens to me, so I’m not 100% sure this is a bug, or even a batching one at that. All I know, is that logically it makes sense to me

People hate EVERYTHING being blamed on batching, I understand that…but this is my honest experience and opinion on the matter based on what I know of the mechanic.

Again, if anyone can help confirm/deny this, that’d be appreciated…

Ok well I’m not gonna get my hopes up for this changing, so I’ll just tell myself that it was this bad in vanilla and call it a day (or month.)