Healer/sub rogue 2v2

Just curious how this works. I’m a bit of a rogue noob, but have played to elite level on other classes. I know sub rogue is primarily a setup class which is why it works well with another dps in 2s, but I believe it can be played successfully with a healer in 2s as well right?

I just know healer/dps is usually the way to go for a newer player as it’s more forgiving, however It seems like strategy might be a bit different as a sub rogue since your sustain is so low. Any tips, strategies, recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Only if the healer has some decent output for damage. Otherwise, sub’s burst damage doesnt last long enough and they have zero sustain damage. Sub for 2s is almost always double dps.

Sub damage right now is horrendous too, so i wouldnt bet on it right now doing to well. But the 20th anniversary has some decent buffs i think, maybe itll get some help

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Oh so it’s really not very viable for 2s with say a disc priest? Or would it be 100% better as assassination?

Disc would probably work, I think they do decent damage. Assassination would work better with most healers I believe.

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