Healers not doing damage again

Im lucky and live with a damage dealing healer


If you are so convinced your way is great, why would it bother you to be marked?


This is all (in general, not just this thread) trolling on the stupidity bandwagon of this theoretical issue that doesn’t exist.

Literally no one I have ever known running low or high content has ever whined about healers doing damage or not.


if you dispell you are healing because that person isnt taking the ticking dot thats killing them. thats basic 101 stuff. I mean i guess its less of a thing these days where oom and mana control is less essential.

You see im basing my comments on when i main spec healed through icc progression. When i was never asked or even implied that i should be casting damage spells. They werent even on my bars. I played a shammy back then so i had totems and cooldowns on my bars and i used an addon for my general heal casting.

Back when healing was healing AND dispelling and dropping totems and you know, not being a dps player. I had my hunter alt if i wanted to dps, and my frost dk if i wanted to tank.

Also if you ignore debuffs on players you are an awful healer, if its your main or not. just terrible. Probably just relishing the diluted gameplay of the modern era. Why even bother healing when many dps have leech+ self heals. basically bring only mages if you want something to heal, theyre like the only dps that cant just gimmick away mistakes, then theres the tank doing 5 digit hps.


When you have healers doing 8-10k DPS at this point, there’s a discussion to be had on this


No. There isn’t. Because there’s no issue with any of this.


No, I don’t have a problem using my kit to help my team. Keyword, team–it’s a group effort. Dispel is needed yes, but it is NOT a healing spell. We are not discussing history, we are discussing people that are too lazy to dps or help the group when healing is not needed and therefore being marked as such. Just as dispel is needed, so are other parts of your kit. Can they do it without you pitching in? Most instances, yes. Can you heal through the casts they don’t interrupt? Most cases for people of GD yes. Does that mean dps don’t kick? No. They contribute their kit, same as tank and heals. You can be offended if you like. You can disagree. Does not matter. If you don’t want to contribute your full kit, you deserve to play with others who do the same. Why would that be a problem? Explain.


Your just being obtuse. Of course dispelling is part of healing. It always has been.


Oh you mean I’m not agreeing with you? No, I’m not. You didn’t however address the topic. If you can’t contribute your full kit to your team, why should you not be marked and grouped with dps/tanks who don’t use their full kit? I’ll wait.


OOOh I know I know!! Because if the entire group was as lazy as you, you would either not complete content or have to heal extra ==no afk. Gotcha.

It’s so funny that regardless of the topic, it frequently comes down to lazy/bad players wanting a carry and feeling entitled.



:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


I was doing a 14 theater this morning and I noticed the bosses weren’t dying very fast. I don’t play with details on when I’m tanking because it makes me upset seeing the poor performance from my teammates. Could’ve +2’d the key because we were very close if the healer had just helped kill the bosses a bit faster


And since everyone in the group would get more points if it was their highest, that’s a great example of not absolutely necessary but being a team player matters. The lazy/entitled just don’t care.



I guess if you want to genuinely heal you can do like a… err…

Are there actually any games where the healer specifically only heals? Doesn’t Donald in Kingdom Hearts even kinda sorta refuse to heal you because bad AI?

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With all the check boxes that the GD demands for, people should just hand out an entire questionnaire before joining a group yikes


It’s my job to DPS, CC and interrupt. I 100% support my healer friends out there that just want to relax and heal.


Debby, you are a Downer!! :roll_eyes:


nah bro its the bad players who are being carried by the lazy game development designed for dead end MDI esports.

Back in the day a good healer wasnt the guy doing 4, 8 or ??k dps. The good healer was the guy who didnt let anyone die and had minimal mana wastage (ie low overheal). It doesnt mean anything at all if you are a pro healer main if you have only been a healer main for the past couple of expansions because you are still only “pro” in the soft version of the game. Kinda like playing halo on easy and thinking you are world number 1.

The game is worlds away from where it used to be, back in the past raids and dungeons had less mechanics but everything hurt so much more. It takes 2 or 3 mechanics to 1 shot someone now. Took a single missed interupt 10+ years ago. Better yet take your “dont dispell” nonsense to the pit of saron and see how long your AWESOME pro healer dps lasts when everyones dead from the OP dispellable trash dot

long story short. Soft players playing easier version of wow built around meh esports model aimed at 100 or less of the entire wow playerbase thinking they are hard.


Wonders if people care about success or just meters.

Healer dps is rather irrelevant.


lol bro just spam smite lmaoo it’s not hard hahahahaha