Healers, holy balls

I can kill healers just fine.

Maybe learn to do damage awful player.

My pres doesn’t die I can face tank 6 rando bg bots like you very easily. Good players in rated content is slightly different

do you not have better things to do on a Friday night than to get on the wow forums and try to talk about intellectually superior you are?

I just got back from going out with friends, you should try it.

I’m sorry, but…

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Keep Yourself Safe o7 look at all these garbage nobodies trying to talk to me. Sit down peasant.

i agree with OP… You almost feel like giving up at this point its so futile to even try.

Uh. Leave Hpal alone we can still be eaten by a GOOD DK or DH.

Im really looking forward to seeing what Hpall can do in the damage dept from these buffs. I miss when in SL a Hpall Judgment could remove 30% of someones health. :sweat_smile:

the only class with godmode in pvp is disc priests everyone else is trash, 2-3 melee dps and they are toast, my druid has great gear and i am getting destroyed with a couple stuns or silences.

All I know is that I deathgripped a evoker into my 10 person team. There was one healer on each team, and I strangulated him, he trinketed, he rooted me and flew away i gripped him back, chains him he flew away again I abomination limbed him back int our team and my remorseless winter froze him and then he flew away again, and during that period of time he ALSO HEALED HIMSELF FOR 41 MILLION.



  1. There is no holy balls spec.
  1. No way you actually kept up with a number like that in actual days…

Nothing but LIES i tell you!

If he was a titan or old god maybe. Too many years to be a human.

Lol wow.

You harassed me awhile ago saying the exact opposite. Full on scumbag mode too.

And were so annoying I created a forum account because of it.

Hypocrites are hilarious.

Sweaty arena tryhards in the BG forums trying to talk down to people always makes for fun comedy.

You aren’t supposed to kill the healers. You’re supposed to shut them down and kill the DPS they were healing.

But let’s be honest, if it takes a whole team to take down a single healer, then your team isn’t going to be very effective at that either.

Where did the idea that “you’re not supposed to kill healers” come from exactly? Is it that healers have been gods for years, so the ridiculous assumption is that it’s simply meant to be?

Classic healers die all the time, even by a single dps, and are oftentimes the target… and how odd, they’re still a massive boon to a team. Weird. It’s almost as if healers don’t actually need to be raid bosses to provide value…

There’s this oddly silly notion that a killable healer = useless and I don’t know where it came from and why.

Weird, it’s like they’re two different games, with different rules and different abilities.

Who’da thunk that the kill targets might be different too.

If we’re going to have healers like they are in Classic, we can just delete DKs from the game then, yeah?

Well that’s a dumb comment. The only healer not cracked atm is hpally. And that’s cause they straight up suck. Prevoker is the worst offender. Damage or healing. Pick one. They seemed to get both.

and takes 1 good fury

Healers dont oom as fast in retail, and are more durable. If the healer cant kill you, might as well CC and silence them enough to kill less durable targets until the healer is all thats left and can be dog piled without support. The goal is to win or hold objectives, if an enemy doesn’t need to die to gain the points advantage than your fine. Lots of effectively used CC to get or hold and objective is just a tad more useful than less CC and more damage.

Healers are killable in low braket but they are near immortal in teamplay as it should be.

We have tools to keep us alive and our teams better be working hard to protect us.

CC healer, kill damage dealers. You shouldn’t be able to kill a competent healer without killing a couple of his teamate.

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