Healers are stupidly OP

It was Info the Warlock who brought up Arena.

I stand corrected…Lock brought up Arenas, Druid added some misinformation about arenas. I corrected him…Happy with this timeline?

Congrats you found one fight out of a 7 series match that fits your narrative. Did you see the rest of the 43 min video where the fights go well beyond 10 mins…to kill a single player?

People have been misinterpreting what I said. I only mentioned healing in arenas because I wanted to make it clear I’m not some weird anti-healer who wants them nerfed to the ground (something that unfortunately exists lol).

But nothing in my post was referencing balance in Arenas.

I understand and take you at your word.

One of many. Healer wasn’t kill target on the other 2

Another example

Druid dies from 100-0 in 18 seconds w multiple healers around

50 second mark

Oh btw no dampening

So they tried to kill the healer for 11 minutes straight and he wouldn’t die? Oh wait no that’s not what happened.

Okay so two dps with insane defensive cool downs and abilities wouldn’t die for 11 minutes? Sounds like dps need nerfs to me not heals.

Seriously man this is the dumbest argument you’ve made yet. Go look at the arena forums (you know because this insanely dumb arena argument). Every single person in there is asking for nerfs to dps survivability. Not heals.

A prime example of this was rshamans best comp was dh/dk for the simple fact that rsham heals suck and dh/dk were invincible without heals. The shaman simple brought shear and purge.

Seriously man you have no idea what you’re talking about.


You feel healers are op? Or need tuning down ?

In a random? I usually solo healers in two bolts. Make a Swifty macro bro, people aren’t good in randos.

Every healer is different. Depends on how they’ve set themselves up to survive.

When I see them coming, I pop Arc-Angel and Vers Trinket to gain 30% Vers and 20% extra healing. I also try to get a DoT and Mindbender out too before the first stun.

With Conflict and Strife it’s a 30% reduction in damage and 30% extra Atonement heal from Purge the Wicked and Mindbender during a stun.

Add 20% if I proc Twist of Fate, and another 20% from Arc-Angel.

Since 99% of the time I’ll be stunned multiple times while bursted upon … it ends up mitigating more of their burst than if they bursted without the stuns.

Though BG players don’t seem to realise that… gg :slight_smile:

I think he’s suffering from the problem of him being an even worse dps…

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why do you think cdwe one of the top arena players in is playing classic?..lol.

Forgive me for my ignorance but since I’ve seen it mentioned twice now, anyone mind explaining to me how the hunters heal is annoyed/strong/whatever?

Like genuinely I’m a clueless person, I honestly thought it was kinda weak in terms of the sustain that most classes seem to have.

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Since you guys broke out the videos, I have one.

This is WPVP about 7 months ago at a COA WQ in Stormsong Valley. Random players showed up and there was tension between Horde and Alliance.

I don’t think there are any world class arena players here. Though I guess there could have been.

Horde won this because we targeted enemy Healers and protected ours. And our Healers played well.

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It’s pretty decent considering hunter is a non hybrid, pure dps spec.

This is the crutch of the issue. Others need to be tuned way down.

Healing is stupidly easy then dps? Wut?

I miss being able to stay in ghost wolf and tank 7 people when pack spirit traits wasnt nerf super hard 8(

Uh no. Healers are not stupidly op. Maybe thou art stupidly not good? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I mean being a good healer is easier than a good dps, as a dps you really have to focus important target & protect healers , manage cc’s.
Meanwhile as a healer all you have to do is to survive and heal.

Lol you mean the guardian druid instead of peeling for your healers?

Omega lul

You know healers have cc too right?

I can over simplify because I’m clueless too, watch!

As dps all you have to do is damage.