Healer/Tank looking for semi-hardcore guild

A friend of mine and I are looking for a semi-hardcore guild that raids 8-11pm EST. I have a lot of experience from vanilla WoW as the healing lead for my guild all the way through the end of BC where I started tanking a lot in wrath. I have also lead raids in rift, swtor, and ffxiv since then. I am considering both pve and pvp servers and it doesn’t matter horde or alliance.

My friend wants to roll a dps warrior

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Alliance? Horde? PVP? PVE?

Doesn’t matter on either

Hello there, thought I’d extend a message in response to this looking for guild post.

Ethos is currently recruiting healers and dps. If you have any questions regarding loot or expectations don’t hesitate to ask!

Our raid days are Tues / Thurs 7:30-10:30pm CST. We have chosen the server Herod to be our home.

Ethos just had their pre launch guild meeting. All discussed information will be found in the discord later this week.

Very straight forward application process if interested -

Discord: Sawz#8386

Reddit: Sawsy587

DM me if you have any questions / application form.

Welcome to Animosity an Alliance Hardcore guild on Whitemane.

We are looking for passionate and competent players who have knowledge and experience with the Classic (Vanilla) environment. Our goal is to start raids 3 weeks into release.

Communication and Attendance
Extraordinary performance
Preparation for raids
Knowledge of your preferred class

We are currently recruiting for the following classes:

Warrior: OPEN
Paladin: OPEN
Priest: OPEN
Warlock: OPEN
Druid: OPEN
Rogue: OPEN
Hunter: OPEN
Mage: OPEN

We will be raiding Tuesday and Wednesday from 7PM - 10PM PST with Monday as a cleanup day as needed later on.

We will be using Loot counsel for distributing loot on a ‘most beneficial to raid’ factor. Also, based off performance and attendance.

We will be doing premades and lots of world PvP. Aside from dungeons, PvP will be our main focus on days we do not raid.

For more information message Xiten#2880 or Vite#4007. Or join us on discord: SDAXhcR

We may be a good fit for you as well! Feel free to message me on disc for more info! đŸ» Grab a beer, let’s get this bread! <Last Call> [A] Pagle PVE

unfortunately I am est and I cannot stay up to 1130pm est

Hi Amirimele,

Please read our recruitment ad, I think our goals may fall in line with yours.
We are Semi-hardcore, Horde, on PVE Mankrik Server. Most of us are in our mid 30s and we are also looking for more warriors.


If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Intro: Adult raid guild is recruiting! Join us on the road to 60 and preparing to enter Molten Core! We are looking for like minded players to enjoy the re-birth of vanilla WoW and work our way together through the likes of BWL, Naxx, and BARRENS CHAT!

Expectations: (guild) SoS is an adult casual raiding guild and we firmly believe in providing a fun and inclusive environment. We encourage our members to play the toon/spec they want to play! The guild is expected to be supportive of one another and we do not condone trolling or attacking fellow members. That being said, the guild is not G rated and adult humor is expected! Ultimately the goal is to have a fun place to ask questions, group up, and enjoy the game as it should be, with friends!

Expectations: (raid) The goal is to be raid ready by early Nov, however as this is a casual guild we are flexible on this. Unpopular raiding specs are supported, though we may have to limit the total number of them if it begins to greatly hinder the raid. Raiders are expected to ask questions, know their class, help the guild farm for raid mats and repairs, and be willing to help your fellow members with attunement etc
 Finally raiders are expected to use voice chat/Discord, though you do not need to speak only listen if you wish.

Raid Times: Tue/Thur 8:30 - 10:30 PM EST 2 nights a week with the possibility of adding a 3rd night in the future.

Classes Needed:

Druid - Resto Medium
Hunter - High
Mage - Medium
Paladin - Holy High
Priest - High
Rogue - Medium
Warrior - DPS High
Warrior - Tank Low
Warlock - High

Hop into our discord or add me on battle net!
Ghyst#1586 Discord - discord .gg/DgwdnPF

We’re looking to fill our ranks over on Blaumeux

We start a little later, but joining early on will be a good opportunity for you to get into a spot!

           [H] Skarem

Why choose us?

  • Friendly laid back guild, we hope to build friendships
  • Competitive and dedicated but semi casual (everyone’s welcome)
  • Helpful, will make premades to farm gear with guildies
  • Content variety , PvE and PvP

To make everyone feel apart of this from the beginning there will be open guild name suggestions and a vote in discord. I figured it would be better naming once we see all the personalities we have.

Guild Goals:

  • Clear all PvE content including Naxx
  • Help members gear up farming pre raid BiS
  • Establish a strong economy with careful planning
  • Be accomplished PvPers, and create various team strategies
  • Hold world PvP multi guild events

Classes Needed: We currently need offtanks, healers , and dps. PvPers needed.

Times: We would like to raid either on weekdays starting at 8pm or 9pm EST, or weekends in the after noon/evening.

Discord: add GrapeApe#1703
or join _https://discord.gg/SfxatTw (remove underscore)

You may be a good fit for our guild. Here is our information:

The Seven Deadly Sins - NA Alliance PVP - Herod

About Us:

The Seven Deadly Sins is a guild that was formed by a handful of players that found themselves in a guild that wasn’t meeting their expectations. As is our nature, we decided to make our own guild so we can bring our goals to fruition. We have high aspirations and plan to be the most dominant guild on the server in both PvE and PvP.

Raid Times:

__ Saturday &amp;amp; Sunday – 8:00PM EST to 12:00AM EST__


Warrior DPS: High

Warrior Tank: Very Low

Rogue: Very High

Mage: High

Priest: Medium

Warlock: Medium

Hunter: Low

Druid: Low

Paladin: High

If you would like to join:

reply here or you can contact me @

Discord = Tepheroth#7342

Discord = raikin77#7735

Or Join our discord at [discord.gg/kWSq9ab]

We are recruiting solid players: [A][Herod-PvP] <Triple cheese double pep> mon/tue 8pm-11pm est sunday added for prog

Hey we are looking for another resto druid and fury warrior. Let know if your interested.

Hey! Versus has a couple spots open for both of those roles. Our raid time match the exact times you have listed, 8-11pm EST. Here is some more info about the guild in the post below and if you have any questions or interest, hit me up on discord. Cheers!

Hi there!

I’d like to discuss Pantheon further with you. Below is the link for our recruitment page. I realize it says that Warrior is closed, but we can be flexible. I know you also said that you can’t stay up until 11:30pm EST. We do raid until then, but you can always leave at the end of raid, if we find that we’re the right fit for each other. I’d love to discuss further with you. Youou can reach out to me on Discord at Aydriann#0478.

Thanks for your time!