Healer MS/ Dps OS LF Guild

Hey all,

I posted a few days ago but then had some interesting stuff come up that changed my availability and now I need to find a guild that raids later then in my last post. With a move and change of job location I am now looking for a guild that raids from 8pm to 12 am pst so far any day of the week I can make work (i can raid later for the right guild just my preferred hours. I will Drop all the rest of my info below:

What i am looking for:
I am looking for a guild that has the desire to push towards cutting edge. I like the challenge of mythic and learning each weak better ways to optimize my toon and the raid to kill boss. looking to really push keys more and would love a guild that likes to run keys together my goal is to get atleast ksm this tier then push as far as I can next tier with the guild and personally. I am also looking for a guild that does content together id love to hangout in discord with people, do pvp, keys, raid and ect. would love to be part of a active community. also looking for a place I can continue to grow an get better each weak with. I dont expect a raid spot right off the back but would love to get back to raiding as soon as i can.

Raid times:
As above 8pm to 12 am PST would be my preferred slot to raid I can raid later but I cannot at all raid earlier. Any day of the week works good me for me. id only want to raid 2 days a week with a third day being a alt raid and I am looking to raid 3 hours max each day so up to 9 hours between the 3 days.

My experience this tier is 4/10 m with pull on lady and artificer guild does not need to be this far just wanted to let you know my current progress in CN.

Class: (rerolling a few classes here with change of schedule i am looking to main what i wanted to main this exspansion )

  1. I am looking to main holy pally and off spec ret. if we can make this work would be my preferred- I am more then happy to be kyrian or venthyr if I have the choice id probably do kyrian to start off with but both are fun and rewarding playstyles
  2. my second choice if flexing more healing wise would by holy/shadow priest - Night fea for covenant so wont do to well in raid to be disc could go necrolord as well.
  3. my third choice but would be second if I need to flex a few more time as dps would be druid so boomkin/resto on him. Night Fea Covenant
  4. last class would be shammy with resto/ele this would my last choice but would do it for the right guild. necrolord currently but may switch depending how the buffs go.
    as you see the only healer hybrid i dont wanna play or touch is monk i just dont like the play style personally.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this and i look forward to chatting with you and finding the right guild to join and grow after our big move.

Contant info:
Discord: Dendrik#9364
Battlenet: Dendrik#11236

I know this is way outside of your listed times, but our raid times are kind of wonky so I wanted to just ask anyway, would 9am-Noon PST, Sat + Sun work for you?

Thanks for replying but i cant due to work schedule coming up.

HI There!

Slash Pull Five is a horde progression guild located on the Thunderhorn server connected to Agamaggan, Archimonde, Blade’s Edge, Burning Legion, Jaedenar, Kargath, Norgannon, and The Underbog. Originally an Alt guild, that soon became a progression raiding guild formed by founding members from hardcore raiding backgrounds, including some CE Experience. We are a solid, tight knit team of like minded players who desire to raid efficiently and enjoyably. Although fairly new guild to this xPac, we have manage to clear Heroic Nathria in a respectable amount of time with Ahead of the Curve in 2 weeks after first seeing H Sire. Guild is meant to be a casual, laid back atmosphere, where players can feel comfortable and make friends.

Schedule: We will never raid outside of 2 nights a week, We will have alt / normal runs for casuals, or other members wanting to gear alts, but those runs are not mandatory.

We raid Wednesday and Thursdays from 8:30-11:00PM EST, and we will never go past 11:00PM.


Recruitment is open and we are looking for players with some experience in Heroic Nathria or have some some raiding background. We are looking for players whom can listen and adjust during fights, but also have a laid back, positive attitude.

Feel Free to reach out to me via Bnet Sairys#11858 with any questions!

Hey thanks for reaching out but est wise i can raid from 11pm est on

1 Like

Hey Dendrik!

I think we’d be a solid fit for what you’re looking for. We got AOTC and now want to push for CE moving forward, we raid Tues/Weds 9-11pm Pacific. Check out my post and hit me up on Discord if we’re of interest, Slime#6677

Evening! I was wondering if you were still looking for a guild to join! :slight_smile:

I am part of Undaunted, which is a voice-less guild with mostly deaf/hoh players, but if you’d like to know some more information, here you can read a little bit about us:

We are currently in need of healers to join our mythic team. We’re currently 3/10M and we’d love to chat with you!

Undaunted is a semi-hardcore (12/12M Nya’lotha / 3/10M Castle Nathria) raiding guild that is primarily composed of deaf and hard of hearing players, as such we do not use voice in our raids and use text based communication. We are stationed on Area 52. We raid from 9:30-12:30 pm EST on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We keep downtime and chatter to a minimum by focusing on churning out productive pulls. We send out invites at 9:15, and we never stay past 12:30 EST.

Raid Needs: High demand for healers and Exceptional Players to fill our roster for Castle Nathria!

Note: Tanks are only recruited internally, if you want to become our tank, you may do so only after proving your reliability playing a different role.

Our philosophy is that we prefer raiders possessing critical thinking skills and the ability to perform when assigned mechanics, survive in OH-CRAP moments using appropriate immunities, defensives, and warlock cookies. To describe our environment, we have a good balance between serious competition while sparing time for inside jokes. Pugs that joined our raid say nothing but great things about our environment. We have two players leading the team; our Raid Leader, Amis (played since 2006), and Sarialinde (played since 2008) our Raid XO/Guildmaster. Amis and Sarialinde work together to ensure a smoothly operated raid that values transparency.

If we piqued your interest, you may choose to contact us on Discord:

Discord: https://discord.gg/5Zb9qwdzJy
Recruiters: @Erika Mizune#3924 (Yumene), @JfisherGamerr#1792 (Gadda)

Would love to hear from you! :slight_smile: