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I’ve played every healer to aotc for multiple expansions and MW Rdru Rsham and hpal to CE in the past trying to find a guild/M+ team for season 4 and dragon flight. if you wanna know more just ask im an open book.

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If you’re still looking, add my btag cashinashes#1535 or my discord Ashton#8298 and let’s talk!

Hi Ramdeme! My guild is recruiting for Dragonflight! We are an AOTC progression guild with multiple mythic+ teams that run multiple times a week. Check us out, and reach out to my battletag listed on this post if you’d like to know more! :slight_smile:


My (almost) 3 month old guild The Legal Bananas on Alliance Stormrage is looking for some more dps players for raids on Sat/Sun 8-11pm est! We’re currently 7/11 normal Seplucher!

We hope to eventually do the Faded Raids next month & also have a lot of other guildie activities planned throughout the week; such as: Mythic Mondays, Transmog Tuesdays, Pornshire Wednesdays (where we make baby toons on Moon Guard, go to Goldshire & try to make gold to pay for our subs), DnD Thursdays, Mythic Push Fridays, & of course Raids on the weekends! You don’t have to participate in any actitivies tho or you can join in on them all!

You also don’t need to be level 60 to join our guild. You can easily make a baby toon & equip heirlooms & level now that the 50% boost is a thing! The sky is the limit with us! :slight_smile:

We have an active guild of approx 41 people & we get into discord vc most nights to talk to each other bc we honestly enjoy each others company & really like hanging out!

Please note that 1 thing we do not condone is talking sh!t about fellow guild members behind their backs & think it’s okay! We will not tolerate that & if anyone does that & gets caught, they will be removed immeditally!

Here is our recruitment spam if you’d like to read a bit more about us:

If you have any questions or want to know more about our happy little chill guild, please don’t hesitate to msg me on discord: Jem#6738

Can’t wait to hear from you! Have a great night!

:heart: / Jem

P.S. We could def use another healer for raids! :slight_smile:

Hi there, we are looking to pickup one stellar healer for s4 and into DF.
Check out raider io page on stormrage US
If any of that sounds good, add me on discord: Cormie(Wrîn/Jessalynne)#7968

Not sure why this char showed up. the guild is called Days of our Wipes on stormrage US

Would like yo chat with you on discord if your still looking for a guild. Klarity#1518

Our guild pushes keys and have a lot of people who are 3k io + , and will continue to push keys in S4. If you’d like to chat, hit me up on bnet Stevelations#11594

Hi. I think you might be a good fit for our AOTC guild, Moonwell Dancers.

Founded in February 2005, Moonwell Dancers is a casual, friendly Alliance guild on the Uldum server.

We play World of Warcraft for fun, and the guild has grown based on the idea that players can reach their shared goals in a friendly atmosphere far more effectively than in the cutthroat environment typical of so-called “raiding” guilds. We raid. We just have fun doing it. We raid Fri/Sat 5-730pm PST. We also run m+ throughout the week.

We also have achievement seekers. And battleground and arena gurus. We’re knowledgeable and helpful. And we have plenty of casual players who just like to explore what Azeroth has to offer.

If you’re still interested, my btag is Epsilonp#1422.

Hello! - We are alliance Stormrage

We are a Mythic raiding guild, currently 4/11M SFO. We are looking for exceptional players
to help fill out our team. Everyone has stated the chill, mature atmosphere of the guild while having a fun time!
We also love running keys and hanging out playing different games!

Raid Times:
Tuesday/Thursday 10pm-1am EST - Mythic

Sunday 10pm-1am EST - Heroic

We also invite those who just want to run keys(most of the guild is KSM), or grab AOTC but not mythic raiding.

Feel free to add me on bnet Shazzammy#11618 or discord Shazzammy#1860

Hey!! If you haven’t found a guild I would love to chat!

Organize chaos is a AOTC driven guild that gets the job done but yet has fun!

When we are not raiding we are running mythic+ and other content.

We raid Tuesday and Thursday nights from 9-11 pm est.

I would love to chat if you are still looking!

My discord is shiloh#0935 and bnet shiloh#1377

Talk to you soon :slight_smile: