Healer Looking For An Active Guild

ill get right down to the nitty gritty,

  • I’m willing to hop on any server horde or alliance.
  • I’m a Resto Druid main But I am semi proficient in Mistweaver And Holy Priest.
  • I’m looking to join a decently active guild where hopefully not everyone just raid logs .

In SL i went 10/10 Heroic castle and 8/11 heroic Sep due to guild issues and general burnout I fell off this expansion but i’m looking forward to dragonflight and what it holds

As for activity i will be on almost every day for at least a hour farming / running keys
id prefer to raid Tues Weds Thurs as those are my days off if you raid on the weekends i should be able to make it as long as the raid is past 10 EST

Easiest Way to contact me is Via Discord @GenericUserName#2189

Thank you for taking the time to read my post and i am looking forward to what the future may hold

Heya Badbirch, Problematic is a group of middle aged delinquents seasoned players looking to get an early and fairly painless AOTC and then move into Mythic for the rest of the patch. If you want to raid on Wednesday and Thursday 7-9 PST, feel free to reach out to Crunx#2635 (Discord) or read up about us on the Hyjal forum.