Healer looking for a NA guild semi-hardcore

Hi there. You might be a good fit for Pure Luck.

Hey, you can check us out! <Reunited> [H] [PVP Server] [Raiding] Recruitment

Hello! We’re seeking a healer and interviewing right now.

Server TBA.
Midwest based.
Have been Top Alliance guild on multiple servers.
Looking for 1 player of each class.
Tues/Weds 6pm PST (9pm EST) Thursday will likely be added down the road.
Major needs: MAIN TANK QUALITY CANDIDATE. Class Officer(s).

Please Join Our Discord to chat https://discord.gg/AWduk7A
Post here or PM me on RealID: Zakk#1324


I’m the GM of Vision and we’re currently looking for both healers. We plan to raid Tu/We 7:00pm EST - 10:00pm EST. I’ve include our guild recruitment post below. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Btag - Wes#12170
Discord - Wes#6205

Horde <Drive> | Thalnos-PvP | Semi-Hardcore Raiding

What is <Drive>?
<Drive> is a North American guild focused on progressing through end-game PvE content at a reasonably quick pace. We are aiming to reach max level within 4-5 weeks of launch and will start progression rapidly after doing so. Our primary focus will be on PvE and, as a semi-hardcore guild, we expect our members to have a healthy thirst for progression.

Faction: Horde
Intended raid/play times: Tu/We/Th 8:30 PM – 12:00 AM EST
Type of guild: Semi-hardcore Raiding guild
Loot Distribution: DKP except for legendary items which will be distributed by loot council.

Why join us?

  • We have stellar communication during raids and have well-defined goals that we lay out before each raid.
  • We are very accountable towards our members. We hold everyone to the same standard.
  • We are organized with our progression; we have a system for carrying out encounters.

Why should we pick you? Additionally, our expectations of our raiding core:

  • You want to progress through raids at a reasonable pace with guys that love to banter.
  • You are prompt, organized, and provide constructive criticism.
  • You actively contribute to the welfare of the guild. This could be done through helping to gear alts, farm mats for the guild bank, research boss fights, etc.
  • You read and learn every boss fight before any attempt is made.
  • You can communicate clearly in discord.

Interested? Check out our links:
Guild Website : http:// driveguild .com/
Apply here : http:// driveguild .com/apply
Roster : http:// driveguild .com/roster
Discord : https:// discord. gg/RSkNPny

Would love to have another Resto Shaman. We are an older Horde guild that will be clearing the content again.

Vindication is recruiting. We are a 1 day / week raiding guild in North America who have core members that have played together since Vanilla. With significant experience in raid leadership, both in vanilla and retail, we focus on getting the most done in a short amount of time.

We will be focusing on leveling up as quickly as possible and jumping into dungeons for pre-raid gear and transition to MC and Onyxia as soon as possible and beyond. Our class officers are encouraged to look out for their own and they will be there to support you, not dictate you. We know that we will have veterans and new players to classic and all are welcome who are willing to learn and put their best foot and attitude forward in every raid.

We bring a dynamic loot system with the use of lootlist that gives all members with good attendance equal access to attaining gear without the trouble of dkp banking and the bias of loot council.

Raid Days:
SUNDAY 8pm-12mid, est
PVP EST Server: Herod
We also have strong PVPers that will be focusing on ranking on non-raid days.

Discord Contacts: Abatu#9180 ThatGuyTace#4354 Gorgrath#7230

Discord Server: https:// discord. gg/hhAzPYZ

Hey , I’m from Royal Authorities and we’d very much be interested in having you join us.
We’re an NA Alliance guild (Semi-Hardcore PvE, Casual RP) on Grobbulus interested in recruiting you for raid. Our time zone ranges from PST to EST with our raid times being 8:30-11:30 PM EST on Tuesday/Thursday. Our loot distribution system is Loot Council and we’re fully aware of what kind of responsibility this comes with.
If you’d like to learn more, you’re more than welcome to join the discord. If you’re interested, you can submit an application in the form.
If you have any questions you can send a friend request to Sudnep#1165 on Discord, Battle Net, or even just ask them directly on the application.
Application: forms.gle/CwYaMovbDab2D1jj8

Discord: discord.gg/Fmx9VeG

Hey ! Your goals and expectations for classic wow really align with our guild goals. I would love to talk to your more in person and ask/answer more questions. Here is our guild forum you can find our discord link and read more about the guild. I think you will like what you see! Happy hunting

We would love to have you, give us a look and see if you would fit in. Our guild is up and running, so keep that in mind when selecting your guild. :slight_smile: We are all about friendship and having fun. Our officers and members are career oriented, so we have a lot of good people!

Our Guild Master is retired, and will be on every day once the game launches, so you will always have someone online to level with.

Hey there Laxxuzz, it sounds like SuperBestFriendsLeagueNA might be just what you’re looking for.

We’re a guild of players who would typically want to play in a hardcore guild, but life forces us into a semi-hardcore schedule for WoW. We’re a Horde guild currently mainly focused on PvE but we have players already preparing to set up groups for wpvp and bgs!

If you’re interested, feel free to get ahold of me on discord Potatocat#6478 or just come join our discord ftpBQ3K We hope to hear from you soon!

Hey friend! Zenith will be Horde-side on Herod (PvP-EST), and still recruiting healers. Another Shaman would be great! We’ll be raiding 8pm-11pm EST on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and looking to see what works for schedules for PvP beyond that.

Would love to talk to you more to see if we’d be a good match. Hit me up if you’re interested!

Discord (preferred): DJ#7415
Btag: DJRay87#1487

Hope to hear from you, and good luck in your search!

Hey Laxxuzz!

We’re a newly formed Alliance guild on Whitemane seeking to build out our roster with mature, PvE focused players looking to clear content while also achieving balance with outside commitments. Below is some general information about the guild. Check out our discord or message me directly with any questions!

Unity - NA - Alliance - PvP - Whitemane Server - Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 PST - Loot Council

https:// discord.gg/h2AqqBC

Hi Laxxuzz, I think our guild might be a good fit for you! We are on Herod as Horde and plan on doing a little bit of everything, including raids, wPvP and BGs. We are semi hardcore, but we are a chill group and want to have fun.
Feel free to contact me on discord: zelada#3619

Hello! We are going to be starting raid progression the first week of October, and we are in need of a few shaman healers! [NA Horde EST PVP - Herod] <Mile Hyjal Club>

Infernal is recruiting all players for Horde on Thalnos pvp server! Check out the post! My info and discord info are there!

What server?

1 Like

Herod is the server we chose.

Here you go Laxxuzz. [H] Guild LFM's Where every Member Currently Taking Votes on Everything:

If you havnt decided yet , here is a description of our guild.

My friends and I have been waiting for WoW classic to re release since it was announced. We are super exited to sink a huge amount of hours into this game and clear all the content . We need players who put the team first. Working together from day 1 will help us become a fine oiled machine, working efficiently.

To make everyone feel apart of this from the beginning there will be open guild name suggestions and a vote in discord. I figured it would be better naming once we see all the personalities we have.

Guild Goals:

  • Clear all PvE content including Naxx
  • Help members gear up farming pre raid BiS
  • Establish a strong ecnomy with careful planning
  • Be accomplished PvPers, and create various team strategies
  • Hold world PvP multi guild events

Classes Needed: We currently need offtanks, healers , and dps.

Times: We would like to raid either on weekdays starting at 6pm or 7pm EST, or weekends in the after noon/evening.

Discord: add GrapeApe#1703
or join _https://discord.gg/SfxatTw (remove underscore)

Hey Laxxuzz,

We’re building our ranks at <Vanilla>, check us out: