Healer LF chill Raiding and M+ guild

Hi Friends,

I’m a 248 MW w/ 245 HPal Alt looking for a chill guild that has interest in some mythic raiding. I’m pretty laid back, open to constructive criticism, and always come to raid prepared (ie. learning mechanics & bring consumables). I pretty much never miss raids. I am looking for a guild where I can continue to improve my gameplay. Mainly AOTC raid experience in SL, with some previous Mythic experience in BFA.

Willing to server xfer and faction change. Prefer to play the monk but I don’t mind being whatever the current meta is if needed. My monk and paladin are the most geared and any other desired classes will need to be geared up, but I am willing to put in the work for the right guild.

Monk RIO: https://raider.io/characters/us/kilrogg/Kvass

Prefer weeknights between 9:30pm EST (6:30pm PST) and 3am EST (12:00am Midnight PST)

I also play with a 248 Arms Warrior (who plays Prot in M+) also searching for a new home.

Contact: Btag (Primar#11952) or Discord (Primar#5439) - Add me and we can talk!


Our times are slightly earlier then what you are looking for but if you can make the times work I would love to chat. Our info is in our recruitment post:

Hello Täwn,
[A] Children of Mayhem (Spinebreaker) is a close group of friends and an older community (average age is mid-forties). We raid Heroic Tuesday/Wednesday and have a Fun night ALT raid night Sunday nights. We run M+'s and other content on the regular. Our raid Night and times or 6:30-9:30 pm CST and Sundays are 5:30-8 pm CST.