Healer interrupts

blizzard makes classes unique

“Give x utility to (insert my class/spec!)”

blizzard homogenizes classes to be similar to each other in utility

“Classes all feel the same! Ree!”

Blizzard, once again, adjusts classes to be more unique

“Why didn’t (my class) get (thing I wanted)?!? UNSUBBING”

This cycle has been going on for quite a few expansions now.


I think it was monks, druids, and shaman in their healing specs that had interrupts. I miss those days.


Give me mass dispell and some poison/disease curing.

I can’t cure poison

I just said I want to cure it. Other healers can.

That’s true, and it’s the synergy of 5-man teamwork that I like. Everyone has to do his/her job to make it work.

If the healer isn’t on top of it, people die and the group fails. If the DPS aren’t pumping enough to kill the bosses in time, or if they fail to interrupt key abilities from mobs, people die and the group fails. If the tank doesn’t know how to position bosses or use active mitigation, he/she dies and the group fails.

That’s the challenge of 5-man content, and it’s the reason I love it so much. Everyone has to work together, and in M+ keys at the cap of your group’s ability, this is enforced in a way the lower difficulty dungeons cannot replicate. Timing keys feels good to me in the same way downing raid bosses feels good. It’s teamwork–real, honest teamwork.

It’s also the reason I don’t enjoy pugging, where teamwork is very lacking and selfish, nasty egotism often ruins an otherwise really great piece of gameplay.

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Pugging is awful. I’ve never seen worse players

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I would like one, but I guess it’s traditionally a tank/dps ability as healers have other stuff to focus on.

True but i don’t trust dps i swear they can’t even interrupt

This maybe not entirely related but I noticed that enemy unit frames (not nameplates) don’t show the cast bar anymore. I don’t recall changing anything on my end, additionally some of the people in my guild that are little less high speed brought this up during launch weeks. But were told to rely upon nameplates.

Maybe, these people who aren’t interrupting have been relying upon those now-missing unitframe cast bars and then play without nameplates? Sounds like a real stretch/excuse but seeing how people managed to slip through the cracks in legion when acquiring artifacts (like they reach level 110 without a weapon at legion launch), nothing surprises me anymore.

Pretty sure this is what I was talking about: Enemy cast bars

And looking down that more, looks like it could be a mostly one and half source of an issue, caused primarily by addon “knowing best” and maybe a cvar just getting changed in pre-patch.

As someone said before you can play shaman and then you have an interrupt but remember if you use something like stun or polymorph that also interrupts spellcasting, even when the spell isn’t usually interruptible. The obvious solution to monsters that cast dangerous spells is to cc them and kill the other mobs first.

Resto shaman has a great one…12 second CD if memory serves.

:+1: :+1: :+1:

that just makes it more of a challenge :laughing:

They’re good. But they aren’t the best healing spec for dungeons. Paladins are actually better in specific comps. Resto druids are still acceptable as well.

Healers are in a better place than some DPS specs are.

As long as you’re not a priest or mistweaver anyways.

Doing normal, heroic and low mythic+ as a healer is super frustrating. And it’s not just the dps, since most tanks won’t interrupt or even use the mitigations they have.
That being said, I don’t think giving every single healer spec an interrupt would be a good thing, mainly because of the repercussions in pvp.

I just avoid playing with randoms.

play shammy resto? theyre pretty op if you know how to use them

Way ahead of ya.

Not exactly for solo Content, such has Torghast or the Visions from BFA, you are basically forced to take the whole thing cause you cant interrupt it, and unless you have a lot of stuns, it will happen often.


Play shaman, there you go, you have an interrupt