Headless Horseman Mount

Always keep in mind that the first person to get this mount lost his head.


I don’t think that’s right. That’s the drop rate of the 4 MoP bosses and Love Rocket.

They have an extra 0 in there. Probably a mistake.


Sure a mistake…

Well, that drop rate is not that low so yeah it’s a mistake.

Btw, I’m not saying 0.4% is awesome or anything.

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Anything depends of 2 values:

Drop Rate

It could be 0.03 like the Love rocket but if I can spam it all day with a single character that change the things, similar to some materials for the protoform synthesis.

However, the current design just requires as much alts as possible for more attempts on a slot machine that it’s only available for a couple of weeks, It’s not friendly for a player with 1-2 characters, the gameplay is boring…Blizzard really miss the mark with these from a FUN aspect, they are doing great to keep us in a wheel

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Wow, Tiktok managed to screw up hamster wheels too? That plague needs shut down.

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RNG really is stupid sometimes…

I got mine on the second kill. proceed to rage/cry/weep. rolled a 98 on it if i remember.

Best Advice I can give is to keep trying! It happened for me and it will happen for you too

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14 years and still no headless mount.

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How else would blizz keep you playing? Make the game good and fun? Perish the thought.

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I’m sorry. I can no longer share that pain. I was in the exact same boat and then it finally dropped either last year or the year before. You have my condolences.

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Sadly for the OP I got it on my very first try way back then.