Headless Horseman Burning Cities

I’m on Pagle in WotLK classic and I’m not sure about the Horde side, but the Alliance side is not spawning the Horseman to burn the cities so we can do the put out the fires quest. I have checked in Goldshire, Kharonos, and whatever that area is by Exodar. Nothing. Last night while doing the Trick or Treat baskets in the inns by Exodar, you can hear the horseman’s speech, but he is not there and the buildings are not on fire. This has been going on since at least the day before yesterday (10/20). Can we get this easy xp situation fixed?

The same thing happens outside Silvermoon in Faerlina

This seems to be broken in all horde towns on Mankrik as well for the last three days.

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We recently hotfixed this. All Masked Orphan Matrons on all realms should now be starting the event as expected.

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no change on pagle - been sitting in goldshire for a bit
nothing appears

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I’m also on Pagle. We’re all just kinda sitting around in Goldshire. I’ve been here at least an hour tonight.

This is 100% still bugged, can we extend the event by few days because of this? Been bugged for like 3 or 4 days now. Heck I’d fix your guys code if I could.

Well you forgot about Pagle.

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At least you have people wanting to do the event. On Twisting Nether, I was the only person there to put out fires.

At least you have the event

Good job Blizz. You got it working for a day and a half. Now the $hit is broke again.

Still broken on Pagle, 10/26/2023

Broken on Pagle Still 10/26/2023