[H]<Dont Panik> 2/10 M 10/10H SoD Wed/Thu 9pm-12am EST LFM

< Dont Panik > is a progression focused guild looking to fill our roster. We are currently accepting applicants for all roles for our Heroic and Mythic SoD groups. We are also looking for more members who like to do M+.

Our Story

We started off as a Heroic only Alliance guild on Sargeras, and after recruiting a solid core of players we ended up clearing Heroic CN way too quickly. With nothing else to do we decided to transition into a semi-hardcore Mythic guild and server transferred to Horde on Area-52.

Raiding schedule:

Wednesday, 9pm - 12am EST
Thursday, 9pm - 12am EST

Looking for:

DPS (Really need a warlock)
Off/Backup Tanks

Feel free to apply regardless of what we need. If you play better than someone on our established roster then you will get their spot.


When a piece of gear is not needed and able to be traded then it will go to a roll. We realize that some people might consider this inefficient, but we try our best to keep things fair. We’ve got a pretty chill and friendly atmosphere so don’t be surprised if the person who wins the roll ends up giving the piece of gear to someone else who needs it more anyway. The only exception to this is if you are going through a trial run with us or if you will soon be going on some type of an extended leave (1-2 months). In that case you will be asked politely to sit out of the roll.

Raid Requirements:

Consumables. Please bring them. Feasts are dropped on each pull and we provide a Cauldron at the start of the raid. From then on you are expected to use your own flasks. Vantus Runes are also distributed, but it’d be helpful if you had your own. Other than that, you are responsible for your Oils, Armor Kits, Pots, and Augment Runes (where applicable).

Attitude. Please have a good one. We are a chill group so keep the vibes positive. Be willing to take constructive criticism on your play without getting offended. If your first thought in raid when you die is “what could I have done better to prevent that” then you’ll be a great fit.

Attendance. Please be here AND on time. If you will not be here or you think you’re going to be late please say something to the GM or an officer as soon as possible. We get that things happen and no one will be upset if you’re late… if you let someone know. Not giving a proper notice or no-showing all together is another story, however.

If you would like to join us, feel free to reach out to either myself or Nogghan on Discord.

Rabbi#8509 - Hoden
Nogghan#3182 - Nogghan

Or hit us up on WoW
TickleMyNips#1935 - Hoden
nogghan#1157 - Nogghan

Thanks for taking the time to read through and we will hopefully hear from you soon!


Big bump in the chat. We like to gamble occasionally


Pump keys on other days. They explain the fights but also hold you accountable for your role.


:heart_eyes: bump! We like to run high keys! we can teach you anything you need to know, reasources and more :3

bump! we start raid today, join us, if u need anything just reach out Rabbi#8509 - Hoden or Nogghan#3182 - Nogghan :heart_eyes:

We bumping and pumping content, come on down the price is right and get your end game itch scratched today!!! Side note, hoden does all the scratching.

remember even if youre not trying to raid although we prefer raiders please apply anyways! we still do keys up to +20s

id have to say after raiding with these peeps after a long hiatus going back to the cata days of raiding, these guys got it down with the positive raid environment. They wont let u down, wont give you up, nor say good bye.

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We are still recruiting all DPS and heal roles and backup tank :smiley:

need a better warrior too ours has 2 heroic jaithys and cant pump

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Super cool group of guys, helped me get into Raiding and M+.

this is true

These dudes r rad.

Tomorrow we start raiding again! whisp Hoden so you can Join! we are happy to play with new people! :blush:

Where them Locks at?

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A friend and I are looking to transfer to A52 from Alliance Stormrage. I play Holy Paladin (but really all 3 specs at a high level) and she plays MW Monk. Are you guys still recruiting healers?

Yes we are :smiley: . Please reach out to me on disc at Rabbi#8509

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As soon as I can. Thanks.

perfect! we are running heroic tonight at 9pm EST, and you two are welcome to join if you want :slight_smile: - would be a casual trial to see if you like the atmosphere and guild in general

Here’s a bump