Looking for heals and range dps for mythic NYA.
Looking for heals and range dps for mythic NYA.
Looking for heals and range dps for mythic NYA.
Looking for heals and range dps for mythic NYA. Recruiting all for Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and range dps for mythic NYA. Recruiting all for Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and range dps for mythic NYA. Recruiting all for Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and range dps for mythic NYA. Recruiting all for Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and range dps for mythic NYA. Recruiting all for Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and range dps for mythic NYA. Recruiting all for Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and range dps for mythic NYA. Recruiting all for Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and range dps for mythic NYA. Recruiting all for Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and range dps for mythic NYA. Recruiting all for Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and Range dps going into Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and Range dps going into Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and Range dps going into Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and Range dps going into Shadowlands.
Looking for heals and Range dps going into Shadowlands.
Three players LF Guild
All experienced in Mythic Raiding.
Shaman - Mains Resto, can DPS
Warlock - Any spec
Warrior - Mains Furry, can off-tank. Willing to go Mage if needed.