HC PvP Realm

I’m one of those players and I don’t think you are a very good spokes person for us.

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Sounds about right.

You are right I am not the right person to advocate or be a spokesman for a HC PvP server. At this point it seems obvious by the complete lack on interest, as seen by how practically nobody levels flagged for PvP, that there is any real interest in an actual world HC PvP.

So if those who want a HC PVP server can’t even drum up enough people on the current HC servers to play with their PvP flags on to be noticeable, why do you think an actual PvP server would be viable, and that the Classic Era Blizzard team should put effort and the limited resources they have into it versus another project like SOM2?

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No one (PvPers) wants to play on normal servers. It’s boring, even if HC makes it occasionally not as boring. I made it to lvl 21 before I finally got a lvl 37 to end my misery in a duel since people my level were too afraid.

Real question is why all the normal server folks care if we get one?


Simple because you’re delusional about how it would play out and it’s a waste of development time.

It’s like you can’t imagine that people can just twinka low level rogue with high-level engineering and blue weapons and do the same thing. And it’s going to be the same power leveling guilds who get sole access to this after the contested zones get blocked by gankers preventing anyone else from leveling past 20. This would just be a server for Frontier/Grizzly and their friends to farm newbs for youtube/twitch content.

No player skill is going to save Joe Casual and his friends from getting instagibbed by dynamite at level 15 from level 20+ rogue(s) they can’t see.

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So first I don’t care if you get a server or not, I don’t personally think it’s viable, but thats not really the issue. My main point is simply that if you want blizzard to actually even consider making a PvP server, you will need to create some sort of actual presences, on one of the two actual HC servers, at this point I see far fewer people playing with their PvP flag on then I have ever seen on even any normal server. I don’t really see Blizzard simply adding a server with the idea of “If we make a HC server, the PvPers will come, even though everyone is afraid to flag PvP on the normal HC Servers” .

The thing is if there are actually people interested, you should be able to establish a presence on the servers to the point where everyone can see that there are PvP players. Form up guilds, start a discord. If you can get several thousand people to actually come and PvP on one of the HC servers, that would go a long way to show that the idea is not only viable, but that people might try it.

Well this thread is getting quite large. Theres definitely an interest for it.

Theres currently not a large presence in game because this is a PvE challenge. You start strutting around flagged your alrdy slim chance of hitting 60 becomes nearly impossible.

If Blizz fleshed out a HC PvP server there would %100 be people flocking to it. So many damn people it would clean out the PvE servers.

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There’s always PvE/Normal/RP. Should be the same for HC.

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Devil’s advocate,
Of course the interest is low, it’s not as fun being the only one flagged I’d imagine. You want others with the same intentions to interact with. It’s boring at best, knowing the other players aren’t going to want to interact, so why bother.
I’d love to see what the results are if they opened a server for these guys, and the forums would be wicked amusement. :+1:t4:

We won’t be getting an RP-HC server.

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So you don’t think you can get to 60 on a server where the majority of people will let you live because they aren’t flagged, but on a server where there are actually people out trying to gank anyone lower level then them, you think you will somehow have a better chance?

Or is the reason you can safely level to 60 on a “PvP” server because one side will dominate, where you can then pick that side and safety level while flagged for PvP but where in reality were PvP is all been eliminated outside of the low level gank fest?

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It’s been said a dozen times, flagging is disadvantageous, and people that play WPvP aren’t going to do that. You’re not going into a raid without a flask right? Kudos if you are even though I’d consider that actually exploitative and not really preparation, but hey Blizz allows it. So why would a PvP player PvP on a server that punishes players who are flagged? It’s nonsense.

Are you going to play it?
Do you understand why flagging on a normal server is not the same as a PvP server?

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  1. I’m in favor of one of these realms existing for the players who want it.

  2. You’re delusional if you think it’s going to turn into anything other than a severely lopsided experience, where if you pick the Right Faction, you’re effectively on a PvE server for 99% of your play time, and if you pick the Wrong Faction, you just get ganked immediately upon leaving your starter zone.

This thread is the same 5 people asking for it repeatedly while ignoring every problem with it, and 5-10 other people mocking them. That doesn’t indicate strong interest.

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So, you’re just a filthy PvEer.


“We need a HC Full Loot PVP server!”
“So you’ve got your /pvp flag on right?”
“Nah, I might get ganked”
“You’re doing lots of mak’goras right??”
“Nah, I might die and lose my character in an “unfair” way”

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I said a fleshed out HC PvP server. You cant just copy and paste vanilla WoW for HC PvP. Its just not feasible. For numerous reasons.

It works for PvE because this is a perfectly reasonable ask. You can mindlessly grind your way thru vanilla WoWs braindead content. Ffs, I grind while listening to music and watching Netflix. Call it “Hardcore” and boom, theres your gimmick that keeps the addicts nice n happy.

A HC server is something Blizzard would never entertain. It would require too much tweaking and creativity. Something Blizzcorp is severly lacking in these days.

There is a market for it tho. Its just way easier to keep PvE junkies happy cause its like handing a shiney bauble to a toddler.

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Tell me you’ve never played on a PvP realm without telling me you’ve never played on a PvP realm.

This threads become the ignorant PvEer thread and pick and choosing what’s been stated to fit your narrative.

Again, you’re not going to play PvP servers anyway.

Honestly, it’s like they feel like they finally have a dog in this fight.


Neither are you, apparently.

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This really captures how a lot of us feel.