HC fresh servers! :D

Playing hardcore does not require restricting trade. SF, SSF, those are not modes I care for because they take the MM out of the MMORPG.

If you wish to play the game in a way that is completely opposite from it’s intent then, by all means, be a rebel. Think different. Disrupt. Lay your own road. Walk your own trail. Take to the seas as the singular crew of your vessel the USS Ain’t Need No Help.

I’m not judging. :roll_eyes:


I am. :expressionless:

That’s to be expected from a :snowflake:


For a normal fresh HC server, no restrictions is fine, however, if a contest is run, like the one that spawned so much interest in HC the first time around, restrictions on trade would make the server far more stable due to the massive assistance streamers receive.

So, a temporary server specifically for that contest would work fine. But there’s no reason to create additional servers right now.

Also, op comes off as a gold seller:

So, there’s that.

For once I don’t feel alligned with the community !
I am a wow hardcore player, from Hydraxian addon days to today on Stitches and i would LOVE a fresh experience.
It will bring tons of people to hardcore, even for a month or two, and it will be so much fun.

You argue hc servers are evergreen but the fun of crowded areas and booming auctionhouses will never sustain years on any type of server. That’s why diablo 2 was so popular imo, you get fresh every 6 months through ladder.

And your friends will love to start from scratch with you instead of trying to catch on your full epic gear… ain’t fun for anyone

Edit : was so eager to respond that I didn’t see I necroed the thread lol

Hopefully TBC HC


I would play HC TBC.
If play Retail HC too.


I would also


We dont need fresh. We need to consolidate servers and that alone would create a new journey for everyone. For example, on skull rock ally side its low pop with 2 layers like what da hell…

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Yeah… we need a fresh.
It brings much needed vitality to the whole HC community. It doesn;t matter if it displaces current dead dservers if it brings in a huge influx of new players that want to play on a Fresh untainted server. Especially if they finally make a server with better rules such as disabling of Petri Flask that raiders have been cheesing for far too long.

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era needs a fresh way more than HC does… HC has barely even existed a year :expressionless:

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Don’t really know why they wouldn’t do both then? It’s not like its a competition here. They can always Axe the least pop servers from all versions of WoW and make new servers.
No need to create divide.

There is zero need for fresh HC servers, and they are likely only in the imagination of a streamer which is trying to farm peoples clicks, as a fresh HC simply makes less than zero sense.


I could see a server merge of the 2 realms and then they add a totally fresh. Keeps the number at 2, but gives players a choice, fresh or og (merged). And since DP is alliance and SR is horde, it would even balance the population.

I think Era gets/needs a fresh too. Maybe with TBC?


TBC for HC as well would be nice

HC has 2 servers, and only one really is populated. The only fresh HC would have use in, is a dedicated SF server. Streamer servers are a bad idea. As they die off when the streamer adhd kicks in, and they leave.

It sounds like you agree with me on the merging of the current 2 servers. I’ve seen people calling for this since SoD and TWW released and HC shrunk dramatically.

As for a brand new fresh server… I say let it cook, see what happens. Maybe this becomes something they do annually or biennial. I don’t see any harm, and in the end it won’t cost any more because it’ll still be only 2 servers.

I don’t agree with merging the 2 servers. Defias is the “popular” server. But, Skull is there as an overflow server, where people can go if they want to play on a lower pop server. I believe both have their place. Though, blizzard needs to allow transfers between the 2.

I think it would be a good idea to add a 3rd SF only server, then allow all SF characters to transfer to it, and remove SF from the normal HC server. Giving people the option to transfer to the SF only server, or convert to a normal HC character.

Would be nice if they could launch a fresh HC linked to a fresh ERA.
Leveling a new toon on classic is kinda boring but not with HC rules. The possibility to then join the fresh era if you die on HC would be lovely.