Hawaiian Pizza

Makes sense that a female Tauren player would enjoy that abomination that you call a pizza

Thank you big daddy.

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:muscle: you silly goose

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You sexy beast :wink:

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I rarely get to eat pizza anymore. When I do, it’s usually Costco pepperoni. Hawaiian is my favorite, especially from Mod Pizza with some BBQ drizzle.

Read the ingredients and nutrition facts for your foods. Mozzarella exudes grease but it didn’t magically create it.

Mozzarella is perfectly fine, and it’s not unhealthy, if you’re eating it in moderation. Just because it releases oil, “grease,” when it’s heated doesn’t make it bad. Many things release oils when heated and aren’t unhealthy.

roar, meow, roar

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Never understood why people would ruin things with ranch… yuck

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Pineapple on pizza is a sin to nature.

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Hawaiian Pizza is a crime against humanity.

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I only like ranch on pizza and only a few. That junks nasty on Salad’s and stuff ew.

Murloc Pizza best Pizza

After watching this video.
Trust me.

This is really the true crime against humanity.

Tacos, Humitas and anything with corn is the best food

I don’t like Prawns on Pizza.

Totally agree.

I would have to disagree with Hawaiian as I hate pineapple all together.

I like black olives on my pizza.

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My two favourite pizza’s by far. But do like the THIN ( as in crust base ) Pepperonia too.

Hawaiian + Chicken

im from Hawaii and even we don’t eat it. not even Hawaiian it’s canadian.

if you understand basic concepts of flavors it makes sense sweet and savory. i went to Maui like 2 years ago but im from Oahu and had a Hawaiian pizza it was surprisingly good. here in Oahu though not much good pizza around if any.