Havoc DH looking for 9.1 raiding guild

Havoc DH looking for a raiding guild. I’m also capable of running high M+ keys as well. 2k IO season 1 dungeon runner, aotc CN, didn’t try for M CN but willing to do M sanctum

Edit: Thanks everyone. I accepted a group already, hope you all the best.

Hey, good evening! We’re Caffeine on Thrall.

We’re a guild formed by a majority core of previous CE players with the goal of Cutting Edge each tier on an efficient, two-day schedule. We are also active in mythic+ and pushing higher keys and enjoy the social aspect of the guild.

Raid times: Sun/Mon 9PM ET - 12AM ET (6PM PT - 9PM PT)

As a two day guild, we value our time in and outside of raid. Our aim is always to clear bosses efficiently through solid preparation and direction.
We also value FUN and a welcoming and accepting social environment for our members and a guild that provides a community for everyone outside of raid.

If you’re interested or have any questions you can contact me here or on any of these:

Regardless, good luck with everything in the future!

We are in need of a havoc DH for 9.1! Would like to chat with you on discord if you dont mind to add me: Wolfcola#1559


Crimson creed is looking to fill a dh spot (one of our current raiders is looking to switch back to hunter) check us out!

Not sure if Alliance is a hard no or how far you’re looking for with progression so I’ll drop our spam in as well in case =)

Hey Sernie!

Spiteful Misfits on Area 52 are looking for a Havoc DH to add to our raid team. We were a newer formed guild and although we didn’t get AOTC for CN a lot of our members did get it with previous guilds. We love running keys when we aren’t raiding. Raid nights are Wednesday / Thursday 9pm-11pm est.

If we sound like a fit for you please reach out to me bnet - Bluejay#1886

Hope to hear from you soon.