Havoc DH, BM Hunter duo LFG

Good morning. Me (Havoc DH) and my gf (BM Hunter) are looking for a mythic raid / M+ focused guild. We both have Cutting Edge experience, but would be more than happy with a guild progressing early to mid level mythic bosses. Our only catch is we need a guild with raid times ending no later than 11pm EST. If you are interested, please add me on Discord at jarbeekar. Or bnet at Barisar#1463. Thank you so much for reading.

Hey there gbk,
I have room for both of you and would love to chat. I will leave my info below and hope to chat soon!

Hey there would love to chat we are Death wish in area 52 we are 5/9M with skarn to 30% we raid Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 to 11pm est you can reach me at sig9905 on disc or sig#11142 on bnet