Havoc Demon Hunter continues to be mocked by Developers

Sorry I latched onto the arms part of your comment.

Doesn’t fury have the cold blood bleed? Idr how long it lasts though.

Again, isn’t not game winning or impactful, but neither is my DH’s bleed which he mentioned lol.

Darkness… the dumbest defensive and its DH biggest one. You literally have to stand in a puddle and hope it works. Its the dumbest defensive out there. Blur has a short up time and rather long cd, nether doesnt heal you, just buys a little time, fly does nothing against ranged… And theres virtually no self healing. Im as geared as can be on my dh and ive never 100-0’d anyone in 1 eye beam… Youre on drugs if you think dh is in a good place pvp wise. DH have great tool kits, dont get me wrong, but compared to the self healing and better defensives of other melee, they are def lacking.

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I think dhs are not difficult to kill, but what will happen is if they get buffed and do regular melee damage they will be too good because you will get their defensives less often if they are able to counter pressure more, and they also have insane mobility and ability to avoid cc consistently.

This is just a case of blizzard giving specs too much where buffing them close to the meta would just make them too good. Its the same with WW, if it gets buffed into being meta it will be extremely annoying to face due to how many defensives it can rotate+how much mobility it has.

This is a major reason they need to do a dps defensive prune across the board so they can actually tune damage properly and stop having to increase everything and everyones damage in order to make sure things are killable. Same exact issue in m+ with their tuning. DF added a ton of defensiveness with the new trees, TWW added even more with hero talents and its just bad.

DH does need slight damage buffs on specific buttons.

The 2 major outliers:

The Hunt - absolute meme damage. 90 second CD. Let’s compare The Hunt to Conduit of the Celestials (Windwalker), also a 90 second CD.

Conduit, the AoE burst CD for Windwalker, does as much damage as The Hunt PER TICK, while having multiple ticks. A real burst CD.

Conduit has counters ofc - any hard micro CC shuts it down.

The same applies for the Hunt however - the DoT can be reflected, the charge can be stopped mid-travel time by any CC and teleportation mobilities completely negate it, causing it to do 0 damage.

So The Hunt, being a 90 second CD, should hit much harder and force at least a small defensive cooldown. Not hit people for 8% of their HP. Because that is the average - like 500k damage. I’m tired of reading people gaslighting about 1m+ hunt crits with 5 lottery modifiers on a guy in green gear - we are talking about the general outcomes here, not unicorn lottery scenarios.

Conduit of the Celestials can also crit most of its ticks and do like 3-4 mil damage - does that compare to a potential 1m crit?

Blade Dance:

The problem with Blade Dance is that in reality this ability takes all its real single target damage from a talent called “First Blood”. Without this talent, it’s simply an AoE ability that does almost no single target damage. Yes, bad design, we know.

The developers do not seem to realize this fact, so every time they “buff” Blade Dance instead of the First blood talent, it ends up doing absolutely nothing for damage.

If you read a “Blade Dance Buff” bluepost without “First blood talent”, that implies a buff to the cleave AoE dmg, not on the target that is being targetted / attacked.

So in essence, a blade dance buff bluepost would mean if people are stacked, your blade dance will do a tiny bit more damage to the people getting cleaved, not ur kill target.