Having a short character?

As the title says c:
Soo… I have a Zandalari female who I’d like to be short, like 6’1 maybe?. I know most trolls are very tall, but how short should an underheight one be? A friend also mentioned that Zandalari wouldn’t want their children to grow up being underheight either and that they’d probably abandon said child because that might be seen as a weakness. Should I worry about this?

I don’t think this is the right forum for this, but that being said, I would be fairly certain in saying that there isn’t anything anywhere stating anything about troll (let alone Zandalari) height. Seeing as kids are usually tested in some say to see what their aptitude is, why would height matter? There’s no precedent for trolls in leadership for being especially tall, either.

Your friend is likely applying some odd headcanon - you should not need to worry about it in the slightest. You do you.

You already know my answer to this, but I’ll post it here in case anyone else is curious.

As long as your character fits into a similar proportional height range that humans have you’re fine. There’s no lore saying all Zandalari are the same height or only fluctuate so much, so by applying Occam’s Razor we can deduce that they probably have the same variance in size as other animals. Particularly other bipedal intelligent animals like humans.

Lions can range between 280 pounds to 420. That is almost double the mass.

Salt water crocodiles can range anywhere between 880 pounds to 2,200 pounds. That is a massive size range.

And humans can generally range anywhere between 100 to 230 pounds while still being healthy.

6’1" on a Zandalari troll would probably be too short compared to the 9-10ft tall average (Shadows of the Horde and various lore and in-game media suggests this to be the average). 7’5" and up would be proportionally similar to a person being about 4’8" or 5’ tall. 6’1" would be like a human being about 4 feet tall as an adult.

We don’t have any lore that tells us Zandalari kill or seek to alchemically or magically modify their children if they end up being on the shorter end of what is natural for their species. So don’t worry about that.

I am not sure about Zandalari being 10ft tall. People forget just how ludicrously big 10ft is. I recommend googling the world’s tallest person, and they are “merely” 8ft tall.

I think 7ft is a safer bet, granted, Blizzard is notoriously bad about giving out hard statistics for anything.

But as mentioned previously, there is room for a lot of natural variation. People can be a lot bigger or smaller than the average size and height for their race.

And this is without taking into account the meddling of magic and alchemy, which can completely change the game. Many troll empires, such as the Gurubashi, were quite fond of alchemically altering the physiology of their members.

so heres a good link to a refrence guide i personally use.

Well i dont know about that. I dont know if theres any lore on that topic…
That being said even if there is your family could always be different.

Yeah, my character’s family is a bit shorter than most trolls.
I know genes are a factor in height (I’m shorter than both my parents), but my character’s father is actually quite tall, so I guess she’s short like her mother :upside_down_face:

The in-game model for jungle trolls standing fully upright and is around 8ft tall. Even shorter Zandalari, as per Shadows of the Horde, are still taller than a fully upright jungle troll and most Zandalari are a head taller.

That would put the Zandalari height range somewhere between 9-10 feet tall.

Go to the WoW gamepedia page for height and scroll down to the troll sub-species. It’s all there and well cited and having read Shadows of the Horde I can confirm the book does say that.

Playable Zandalari trolls in-game are only about the same height as jungle trolls, which is inaccurate to their lore. Tauren are in a similar position. Both are down sized compared to lore descriptions so they can fit in human/Forsaken buildings.

But as I said, there’s always a wide range of variance with organic life forms. Shadows of the Horde only says most Zandalari are taller than a jungle troll. Which means a small number being around 7’5" or so, the height of a female jungle troll, is perfectly reasonable. She’d definitely stand out from a crowd but she wouldn’t be unnaturally short.

People of short stature… standing out in a crowd… :thinking:

I mean she’d be… Easily identified, I guess.

As a very tall person I don’t have much experience with being short. I suppose not being noticed would be her bigger concern.

Nah, I was just being a dork.

im not a doctor but i think if theres a distant resesive gene for dwarfism you character could get it even if the parents are both tall.

[quote=“Kisin-moon-guard, post:7, topic:412213”]
She’d definitely stand out from a crowd but she wouldn’t be unnaturally short.

Well, she’d probably need a stool or chair to stand on soo she could see properly :laughing: