I got the little pet, couple bags and some mogs… is there other stuff lol?
There is a guitar toy, hearthstone replacement, and mount as well.
All loot is listed here on WoWhead:
Yes. This slow boomer/oldschool millenial figured it out. Still amazes me how un intuitive the In game UI is though. That is incredible.
I also had a misunderstanding. Weakauras, is the addon. The greedy goblin emissary weak aura is just, well I don’t even know. It is the aura that is tracked from the weak I guess. Like why is it called weakauras. What is so weak about them.
Anyways, So I had to import the specific aura, the greedy emissary thing. Once you start, it asks if you trust the person. Apparently, people can make aura viruses to. Wasn’t sure If I wanted to download and import that afterwards. But I did.
I guess people can create auras for weak auras that are incredibly unstable and fake. Who knew.
It makes sense now, and is probably the only weak aura I will ever need.
Ooo… more stuff to get!
Thank you!
no mount
no polearm
and still missing one of Wirt’s legs.
poor Wirt everyone is after their legs
Don’t really need another horsey mount so I don’t really kill it often.
Main hand cosmetic for me and 36-slot bags for alts.
Everything I wanted really. Interested in the hearth and mount but those are passing interests.
Yah I only have a few things so far. Hoping to get some of the other ones to.
Finnaly got the weak aura thing to work.
I just got this! It’s brilliant. Going on all my alts right now!
the pet and charms.
no bag or mount yet
giving up on this event. sharding and lower level toons not player friendly…
I was trying for the pet but a stranger ended up giving me their spare so i stopped going, i don’t really care too much about the other stuff.
I don’t understand. Can you elaborate on what you mean by sharding and lower level toons making the event worse?
I’m finally free after getting the Tome of Town Portal.
I could see the portal but every time I went closer to it the portal would phase out.
also have no quests… to other expacs
I am the greedy goblin.
/takes last slice of pizza
Still need the axe transmog. Probably won’t get it. But oh well.