Have you ever reported another player before? Why?

A few days ago I was doing a quest in icecrown. I had to get scourge essences I think it was. This DK several levels higher than I was was fighting me as I had PVP on. They win i died life goes on and I’ll go back to questing. Wrong. This guy waits for me to respawn only to kill me again. I’m getting annoyed at this point because its clear he’s babysitting that area waiting for me.

I went back over there and waited a minute and there he was hovering above on his mount waiting for me again. Luckily i was able to get inside a building, transform into saber mode and go invisible so he couldn’t get me again. I disabled PVP and waited ot out until he left.

I think it’s pathetic to go after people weaker than you and to babysit the area to constantly keep killing them off.

Can’t report gankers because they aren’t doing anything against the rules. Farm bots on the other hand, you bet they get reported.


I report anyone who tells me how I should play my class.


  • Bots/hacks/exploits/scams
  • RMT
  • Completely uncalled for and over the line speech. My limit is well beyond acceptable levels of society, so if I find it over the line… you’re really pushing it.
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Sometimes, usually it’s either language which is really bad, or for some names that seem to be thought up by the minds of a teenage boy.

But no, not often at all.

Like mine?

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How did your name NOT get changed lol.

because it’s probably obvious, demon hunters have horns. and the females are vixens.

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Boarderline, but not as bad as the ones I report. For a name like that I’d pretty much ignore you ingame because I’d judge you on it.

Yes I can be very judgemental, but hey at least I’m honest.


I’ve reported hackers in bgs before. I think I’ve reported a few Real money players back in Mop too.

Sometimes I see levels 1s just fishing in the exact same spot in Stormwind when I pass by and I report them for botting.

I genuinely hope I didn’t get like an ultra-hardcore fisher banned.

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If somebody flames me using a bunch of curses, I will absolutely jump on them. They walked right into it. =)

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I mostly just report botting, hacking, and annoying spam from gold sellers or phishers.

Yeah, let me accept a free spectral tiger mount from some web site I’ve never heard of. Completely not a fraud. :roll_eyes:

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got called a bundle of sticks because i didn’t help a hunter who had a mob on him. He obviously forgot about FD.

Other than that it just name stuff.

This, and yes i have reported them quite a bit. So annoying to see something mechanically moving then whisper them and not get an answer because some ahole is offline using his bot to destroy the economy.

Only if they’re hacking or botting.

Your logic makes about as much sense as mine about a decade ago in naming a horde guild, “dead girls are easy.” Cause … well, undead girls can’t get dates … or so my logic told me at the time. I still had to change my name.

To OP: Pvp happened for you. Unfortunately, kids play this game too and they have a tendency to let their maturity level show through their actions in game. Nothing will happen to them, especially now that pvp is optional.

To answer your question though: I report inappropriate names which are way, way over the top. I also report language which is offensive. Curse words don’t really bother me, but when they take it to a level which is completely off the wall … they definitely get a report put in from me. Also, when I see gold sellers spamming constantly.

I try to keep my reporting to a minimum. My logic is if I only report the things which need reporting, it might make somewhat of a difference. I know otherwise, but it helps me feel better about doing it.

Doesn’t always work. We can thank Blizz for that.

always a level 110 druid following the same path.

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for yelling the n word in chat, nothing else tho.


This is typical behavior on both sides… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been camped when leveling as horde with war mode on… you buys your ticket and you takes your chances…