Have you been forced from a shard while remaining active?

I had it happen twice a few weeks ago with the suffusion camp mini-boss-- the first time I was waiting for the mini-boss to spawn and then found myself in a new instance with the bar 20-40% full. The second time, I had tagged the mini-boss, but was trying to deal with some random adds when I got re-sharded.

I also had it happen last night with the soup event – there were only two of us doing the soup event and then we got resharded and there were a few more, which was good, I guess. But it broke my quests and I had to relog to get new quests.

I don’t have quantative data to back this up, but I feel like the resharding has gotten more agressive lately.

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Ugh almost 24 hours later and I totally missed this question! I’ll edit my main post to include the addon I use to keep track of my shard. :>

I literally just got screwed by sharding in ZM. Why was I in ZM? Because I was farming a Glimmer of satisfaction. You know what the sharding did to me? It deleted my feast that I put down since I got punted to a different shard whilst my feast remained on my original shard.

So thanks blizz for stealing my feast from me. Much appreciated. :expressionless:

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It has happened to me many times, yes. It’s annoying every time.

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It was happening during Superblooms all the time for awhile.


At one point I actually started to wonder if the Bot “trains” could somehow be influencing this. You know, the ones that are 10-30 strong that all land on nodes in semi-unison. If they all zone/shard hop en masse (there tends to be multiples of these large trains), how might that affect things?

It’s probably more complicated than just that, but I remember being sharded on many occasions in BfA as well, just usually at odd times or in old world content. Late night Nazjatar was terrible for it.


This actually happened to me earlier today in Zerelek Caverns. I wasn’t fighting a rare, but I was doing the objective where you need to throw smelly orbs into a cauldron in the main city. I was soloing it for a majority of the time and then 2 people showed up and started helping, and a few orbs before the cauldron was going to be filled I got phased out suddenly. The players were gone and the objective was no longer active. Really annoying, especially since it isn’t quick to solo only to have it completely disappear in front of me right before it ended.

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Ok,I’ll look for it, ty.

Happened again last night. Was doing a quest in oh,naran plains and got the ottek heart I needed. Looting lagged up, and then surrounded by otters and no loot. Spent the next 30 minutes getting that one stupid heart.


I haven’t been able to play much today due to having to do a system reformat. My plan is to try to catch a shard change on recording to show the severity of the issue. I was kicking myself in the head when the first one happened as we were engaged to a boss and I didn’t have my controller plugged in which is how I quick capture stuff on my desktop by pressing a button I have set to open windows game capture.

Keep the reports coming!

This JUST happened again with a full raid group for the ED world boss. Was on moonguard server on my dracthyr healer. He got to 40%ish and completely moved our entire raid to a shard where he hadnt even been engaged yet.

I am so very tired of this happening. I dont want to have to constantly kill bosses and rares two to 3 times for nothing.


Yeah I’ve had problems. I personally wish sharing and phasing didn’t exist at all. But that’s just my opinion. There is enough player base to support not needing it. I think having million servers and trying to phase/shard everything is not a good experience for players.


I got phased out of a shard while I was fishing an Islefin Dorado school in the span today.

So disappointing :frowning:

EDIT: WRA server, middle of the night. Dunno why it happened.

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I’ve had it happen while fighting rares, and while doing the super bloom, neither of which I was grouped up with anyone but I was actively either fighting or actually trying to do the super bloom.

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I commented on this on a thread I created about farming ED rares for the Druid items that drop. Some days the shard bumping is out of control! I’ve also had it happen during Superbloom and even just occasions where I’m planting seeds… suddenly my plant is gone and I’m standing at a fresh dirt pile. Some time later, be it days or weeks, or even that same day, I’ll be flying along and see uncollected rewards from a seed and I’ll be like “What… when did I plant that??”

I notice it mostly in Emerald Dream personally.


It’s been happening a lot during the valentines event. Things disappear and reappear :slightly_frowning_face:

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it happened last tuesday while doing dragon bain keep for the weekly right at the end it sharded our group and we didn’t get credit.
had to do it all over again later that day.


This had happened to me so many times that i refuse to participate in open world events unless I’m in a large raid group, so sick to death of being mid activity, everyone vanishes and I’m put into a worse position :woman_facepalming:

I am yet to have it happen to me while being in a raid group, but maybe i have just been very lucky.

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Happens all the time with Aurastor and the Fyrakk assaults. It’s so bad.

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This has been happening a lot while stalking rares in Elemental Storms. The rare will spawn and as I’m standing nearby with others about to attack, the rare and everyone else will disappear.

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