Have people forgotten WOW is a MMORPG social game?

WoW is a really fun game but I agree. When I started before TBC you had people talking in the cities, the chat in Barrens (haha) and Trade chat. Fast forward to no and when you are in the cities it feels like 95% of the players are just afk. Barren chat is dead, and about the only chat you get is Trade Chat. Even a simple hi or thanks not a thing. I am super happy when I go past someone and jump and they jump back, it’s like “omg another human!”

WoW is a big amazing and beautiful world but it’s also a sad and lonely world too. I can understand being in your small little group of friend and what not, but doesn’t mean you can’t talk in town or say hi or thanks. Even Dark Moon fair feels lonely with so many people around.


It always does.


For socialization nothing beats joining a guild. Doing normal casual raid or acheive runs with them in discord shows there are still a lot of chatty Cathys in the game.

I have three family members and my husband plays WoW with me.

The new guild I’m in was formed from farming TLPD.

We take to disc often.

I try to communicate at the start of instances, but many just want to churn and burn.

Different generation? Maybe.

If someone whispers me in game, I will whisper back.

No, but I’m 40 with a family now. My social circle is not in a game any longer. I play the game for what it is, a game. There’s a lot in life I lost out in this game because I treated it as more.

Now, it’s a game. I play when I don’t have anything else and that it. So social games, cool but I like being a solo player now.

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Some of these have me scratching my head.

It’s like people go out of their way to play the game how it was built.

Yeah the masses are scared of the social contract because they want to act out in game which is why they claim they went to discord, which again, is just guise for wanting to act out against others.

It’s not about times changing and going elsewhere, it is because people want to be awful and not be accountable

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I agree with you.

Guilds e.g. that say Discord IS MANDATORY even outside of raids and stuff are a massive red-flag for me. In combination with the advertising “family like guild”

I made the xp that most of such people only want to talk bout their RL to you and drown you with their personal problems.
But if i want to play a game (and former when i did m+) i want to concentrate and don t listen to the sisters cat problems /husband problems /that their children are ill e.g.
For such stuff people should have friends and not burden their stress on people online in a videogame.

That may sound harsh/cold but you have to draw a line, otherwise there are people who cannot say no to such mental-garbage and think too much of it.


I rly miss the Daoc times when people wanted to help each others, even if it does not /minor benefits themselfes.
But to create such a game, Blizzard hat do redo WOW from scratch.

No more instanced-dungeon stuff. No more e-sport (toxic and egoistic) behaviour= time dungeons e.g.
You cannot act very social in a game which is 85% only SOLO SOLO SOLO.

Hopefully one day there wll be a game again that is a group-mmo.
WOW these days is mostly only solo = sad.

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LOL everywhere (discord, guild chat) I go all i hear is people yelling sexist and racist bullcrap. I am a straight white dude and not affected/offended by these things at all but like dang grow up. You are immature and insufferable. I will immediately leave any group where that is going on and enjoy my own non racist and non sexist thoughts.


Okay look - I’m all for those spontaneous moments of seeing someone out in the world and emoting at each other, or someone randomly zapping me with a toy, or saying hi when we zone into a dungeon. I’m fine with all of that.

But bringing back lengthy conversations in Trade and Barrens {or insert other zone} chat? Hell no; it would just be a cesspit in need of constant moderation to be remotely readable today. Silence is actually the best case scenario.


Its less social because of the way the gameplay is. It’s more complicated and there is a higher expectation for performance than ever before. If I jumped into classic right now, there is still less interaction just because of the times but there is still incentive to team up once in a while because the overworld was a little more punishing and mob tagging.

I tried being social and convivial once. I ended up getting horribly sick and my weight dropped by nearly four kilograms.

So I said to myself, “Grimm, never again. This behaviour is for people who have a strong stomachs. Not that yours is weak. You did, after all, eat that whole platter of screaming hot hot wings yesterday. And this was even after your friend said the wings were cold and had been out in the open since early morning.”

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Let’s see here: 1. World peace and prosperity. 2. All the puppies, and 3. A successful stress free career, a nice house, and possibly a happy family life.


It’s really not anymore though. The actual game doesn’t require it. And that’s what most players want. It’s catering to the demand.

It became anti social when all my friends retired back around WOTLK. And then the shared zones and never seeing the people ever again. At that point, it became a solo game for me.


It was in Wrath, when a bunch of kids joined because of an Ozzy Osbourne TV commercial, but had zero interest in playing online with other people and demanded that Blizzard add computer-generated groups where they could use and throw away other people like they were disposable cogs.


Been playing for last few 19 years. Plain and simple the younger generation overall are way worse at talking to people. I blame cell phones. They don’t know how to interact with people. Stuck inside way more than the older generation.


Random group finders. Don’t need to worry about anything but completion. Will likely never see them again. Combined with internet tough guy syndrome.

Also what that guy :point_up_2: said.

Younger gens will tell you it’s not true, that all gens had problems, etc. Yes, all gens had problems, but my generation knows how to interact with people. Not be antisocial, generally disrespectful , and pretend it’s ok.


Devs treat this game like an e-sport. Everything is tuned around the RWF and MDI. I don’t know how many extra tokens they sell during that time, but it must be quite a big number to tune a whole game around less than 1% of players.

The fantasy aspect is pretty much gone. Hero talents were the last hope to bring fantasy back. but nope, it’s just another BiS choice instead.

No longer specs specialized in certain niches, but everyone can do everything (or most of it).

Lots of unnecessary grinds like M+ track gear. You have to get the same item in different ilvls, instead of being able to get it once and then level it up.

No extra group content that isn’t tied to power, like Mage Tower or revamped Thorghast.

World content, in most cases, is pretty dull. They did have a good thing going with Time Rifts, but that’s the only time I actually enjoyed world content.

The people forgetting it’s a social game it’s pretty much influenced by the direction the devs have given the game.

Yes, the game has changed, but not as much as people think. What has changed far more is how people act and choose to interact—or choose not to.

The proof is right there. Just look at Classic WoW. Players still approach it the same way they do Retail.

The way people interact socially is also vastly different now compared to 2004. It’s not 2004 anymore, no matter how much people wish it were.

What people say they want versus what they actually do is vastly different. They claim they want the inconvenience of Classic back, but when they play, they treat it like Retail and try to make it as convenient as possible with addons for looking for group.

It’s as if people romanticize the idea of 2004 Vanilla, when it was never this paragon of socialization that they keep pretending it was.