Have a Winter Event? Greatfather Winter for hire! 2022 Updated!


:snowflake: :deer::christmas_tree: :deer::snowflake:

Winter Veil is not too far away, and another year in a row I’m offering my services to play Greatfather Winter at your Winter Veil event!


:snowflake: :deer::christmas_tree: :deer::snowflake:


Since 2017 I’ve done quite a few events playing the part of the jolly winter spirit for the holiday. I wish I remembered to remember every single event but so far I can say I’ve done (and can still do!)

:snowflake: What Do I Offer? :snowflake:

  • General Great-Father Interactions: Such as, listening to peoples wishes, talking with them, being a presence to interact with. (Yes people have sat on my lap! Including tauren…) :santa:
  • Photo-ops: Stand next to the friendly Great-Father Winter for your chance of a special holiday souvenir for your mantle with the family photos! This is a feature that is usually taken care by the ones who book Great-Father, since I am too busy with making dreams come true! A person is usually assigned as the photographer (screenshots) and then add a special Holiday frame around it with the year and event name!
  • Guest Appearance: Want a surprise guest for your guild? Friend? Public event? Then why not bring jolly ol Great-Father Winter! He will be there to support, interact or look pretty for any occasion. Contests, fashion shows, your guild photo - just ask!
  • Experiences for Horde, Alliance and Neutral (WRA and MG!!) provided they are okay with an orcish Great-Father!

I also don’t charge for this! But if you insist on tipping, that’s very kind of you!

:deer: What is my over all experience? :deer:

Since 2017, I’ve offered my services to friends and strangers alike to interact with Great-Father Winter. I’ve done in-game acting just as long, and I put full dedication to immersion to the role. I’ve done numerous in-game plays that range from 60 minutes to 2 Hours, I’ve done several Mog Competitions, public speaking, classes, event hosting, planning and creation.

With Great-Father Winter himself he’s: Been a guest for mog judging , fashion shows, date auctions, photo-ops, walk around character, in several Holiday themed plays and general interacting with the public on my own.

I’ve also heard every question under the sun! Asking if he’s real, “Why don’t you know my nam”, “Why didn’t I get that gift?”, “Why are there other Great-Fathers?”, “Prove that you’re real!” -…and I have an answer for about everything! But I cannot do much if someone just wants to be the obnoxious bully to Santa Claus. Let me give you a hint…It does’t look cool and it actually looks embarrassing! You are ruining other peoples enjoyment by being the Greench’s behind.

:gift: What comes with the Great-Father Gotosh Holiday Package? :gift:

I have TWO Gotoshs.

  • Shaman Gotosh provides the elemental aspect of Great-Father Winter
  • Hunter Gotosh is able to provide an added attraction of Metzen the Reindeer if that is wanted.

Neither are hindered by mog restrictions and have the full outfit on each!

  • I have most, if not all Winter Veil related items (save for a cushion toy I believe).

  • Immersive items such as snow, winters trees and so on.

  • Often times, I have my own personal handler who is dressed as Greatfathers Reindeer helper “Zargy the Reindeer”, he helps me with remembering to take breaks and seeing people I might of missed!

  • A great love and passion for being there as Greatfather!

  • My ability to stand there for hours and not break character!


:grey_question:Is there anything I should know? :grey_question:

Yes , actually!

:gift: It should be explicitly noted , that Gotosh’s Great-Father Winter is in no way associated with Smokey Wood Pastures or any sort of commercial advertisement. This is information that would provided to the hosts off camera.

Gotosh works purely independently and is doing this because wants to, not because he’s working for a company.

:gift: Gotosh will never reveal that he is an actor playing a character, so the hosts should refer to him as Great-Father Winter and not ‘Gotosh’, even in joking. To Gotosh, he and Great-Father are two separate people. Due to his shamanism, he’s able to help events get in contact with him due to Great-Father being a winter spirit. The fact they look the same is coincidence, or may have to do with his influence in getting him on the physical world of Azeroth.

:gift: Gotosh’s version of Great-Father Winter is separate to the narrative of the Smokey Wood’s Pasture gentleman you see standing out front.Great-Father Winter provides a positive orcish figure that is focused on something happy, rather then the usual narrative we see pushed on orcs. He takes this modern symbol and fuses it with the tradition of changing seasons and promoting the true purpose of Winter’s Veil. The honoring the harmony of the world.

At the same time, still providing a happy, fun and good matured personality that stays true to the modern holiday spirit of gift giving and tasty treats! He is a manifestation of Winter itself, brought onto Azeroth to remind people to be good to each other.

~ * Contact * ~

Because I like to protect my information, I do not publicly post my Discord handle anywhere if I can help it.

If you would like to get in touch with me for an event. Please respond to this post with your event, link to your forum or - if it’s a private affair, you say you will get in touch with me in-game.
You can reach out to me on three different H-Side characters. Gotosh, Wolftosh and Kugorro.

If I am on none of them , please write me a letter to Gotosh and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Event Listings

I will gladly take a few more for this month and into January!

2022 Listings

2023 Listings



Thank you so much for reading, please know, that I do this because I genuinely love it. I love to provide for the community and give a unique experience rooted in the universe. To see peoples interactions with always brings warmth to my heart, and even at the end, I try to make every wish come true… because I usually write down each thing everyone tells me!

I look forward to hearing form you and feel free to ask any questions!!!


This is the cutest RP idea ever.


Thank you! I’ve been doing this for a good few years now, and I’ve done quite a few events. Usually I ask events if they’d like to have me, but I try to put up a “Santa for hire” ad sometimes.

If you know of any group who might want an added flair to the winter cheer jsut send em my way!

Thanks for the comment :snowflake:

Woo! First Greatfather Winter gig will be tonight. Be sure to check them out!



This is the best thing i’ve heard all December. Ty for being a genuine delight for the season

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It’s another holiday, which means more Great-Father Winter to go around! Now updated to look better and provide better information!

Please let me know if you’d like me to attend an event, make an appearance! Can be private party, Guild party or public event!

And, if you genuinely like what I do, I do not mind the support if you can provide. Thank you all and see you all soon hopefully! :santa:


Updated with two new listings, both of which are events YOU can go to!!!

Duskwatch Saberguard Masquerade Ball - WRA

14 Days of Chairty - MG


This is absolutely adorable. If my WrA Anniversary event wasn’t in January I 100% would have jumped on this.

This is a lovely idea, so kudos to you!

I’ve done Janurary events! Even did a summer event this year! I’ve also done Winter Veil in July! My survices are YEAR ROUND, I just advertise during this season since theres a bunch!

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Giving this a little bump!


I want to give a standing ovation to Greatfather Winter here:

I was at an open RP event last night and Greatfather Winter was the cherry on top for an epic event that was very well planned out. There were so many that were excited to see him. A huge line and he saw each and every one. All were included…even those that many not…interact much. He was very stoic and cheerful with all and exactly what this community needs. I salute you!


Oh my goodness, thank you so much. It means a lot to hear this!!! I love doing this little side gig each December because , while silly , it makes me happy and others seem to enjoy as well. I want everyone to feel welcomed and be together as a community and what better time then a season where we need each other the most!! The current times are so stressful and depressing, even more so for many around the holidays…but the fact that I can do a little something, means the world.

And it means even more to hear such a generous comment from one such as yourself! Thank you for the cleansing light last night, it did my spirit well! I will do my best to get you the world peace you desire - or at least peace of mind…!


The fact that all are included is why this is so special to me. I have been here on WRA since the first hour this server was opened. I have played both Alliance and Horde ever since…pretty evenly split over the years.

I have come back to Alliance because this is where I am needed now. We can come back strong! The community of this server has always been phenomenal and that is why I play WRA exclusively… always have…always will.

Having faction neutral events is key for us Alliance as we build back our numbers. I have interacted with Great-father Winter years ago on my horde and really loved the experience…it was genuine and memorable and honestly a memory I cherish along with so many great RP experiences here on WRA.

If we want to resurge our numbers on both Horde and Alliance and get some fresh blood we need to include those who would love to interact…but don’t know how. Great-father Winter is perfect at that.

I witnessed first hand a fledgling RP’r(possibly) interact…it was rough. Great-father was winded after being in character so long but still gave a positive reaction. It really warmed my heart…and this time of year Great-Father tells us all to be kind to one another. I love that and honestly WRA embodies that spirit, always has… its because of those few that go to great lengths to include all like Great-father that I am even here at all after all these years…


I don’t believe I was ever notified that you ever replied to me here! I’m so sorry. D:

We’d love to have you there if you still have slots open!


You are just too kind to me Fawn. I often wondered this time around if its worth doing this, mostly because I was down in my feelings. But seeing people genuinely happy really makes it worth it.

I don’t know if I’ll ever be that important to be the center piece of being the one who can aid in the resurgence with new players, but that was sort of always my whole concept with Gotosh in general. Aside from his story, I’ve been very upset and disappointed in how a lot of people conduct themselves to newer players or players who might be disabled. Often times questions are ignored or meme answers are given rather than genuine help. Jokes where autism is the punchline and gatekeeping simple things. All I want is to at least be one of the people to provide wonderful experiences and introduction to a creative hobby that helps shapes thinking in unique ways.

So long as the person is genuine, I do what I can to return the interaction in a way thats memorable. Be them a new player or not, we should all be aiding people in the right direction of fun and safety.

Thank you again for your words, it actually has really helped me. I read this this morning but could not reply again until now and it just reminds me of why I do all this. I’ve grown very impatient these past couple of years. Dissapointed and agitated at people and attitudes that I lost a little bit of what this all means as more than just a hobby but an outlet of fantastical ideas and exploration of the self.

I’m glad our meeting was a memorable experience , and I hope we can continue to cultivate good experiences for others who are truly passionate about welcoming others that does not put down things they cannot change about themselves.

You have a very happy holiday, and if you do not celebrate, have a wonderful end of the year and stay warm.


Yes!! For as long as there is Winter Veil events, I could probably do a couple more. But even into Janurary, there is a lot more flexibility since the holidays are essentially over.

But as he’s said to another character recently , Winter does not wait for anyone. It will appear and leave when it needs to, and no holiday is going to dictate when that season will need him. So…the great spirit of Winter is here to help, especially during the cold months where he’s needed the most!

Just get in touch with me in-game, and we can discuss what it is you’d like me to do and what day it will be on. This way I can make sure it doesn’t overlap with anything scheduled for that month!

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I’ll be sure to send a mail your way in the morning! :smiley:

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I am going to say a few things here because I think they are pertinent. If this is not the appropriate place to say this please let me know and I will delete.

There are those that are struggling to find clarity and calm amongst all this chaos we live in today. I can only offer what I have found…lay it out here and let others decide what they will do:

First off…I am not here to tell anyone how to play their game or RP their character. They pay for their sub and I pay for mine and we both have a right to play on this server.
However, I have been here since they very beginning and I feel as if we all need to take a trip down memory lane…I remember building this server up brick by brick from nothing in the first few weeks to a truly epic place to come only a few short years later…this was on both Alliance and Horde. I was NOT by any means the only person behind this surge that made WRA the best little hidden RP gem for several years before we became more well known.

Being a part of the first few hundred people here I can tell you that what it takes to build a server is being inclusive. We often would do only walk up RP…no one knew anybody…so we were all rather uncomfortable after leaving the comfort of our old server to go into the unknown (a new unpopulated server). I was brave and made the leap as others did (some still play and I do still see around (*waves hi *)) We would stand around and not be afraid to interact with each other. Let me just say that there would be some serious blunders…some horrible RP mistakes that will make hardcore RPr’s truly cringe…but at the beginning that didn’t matter so much. We were just happy to have others to talk to and RP with. It didnt have to be serious.

RP can be many things to many different types of people and it has an important place in WoW . WRA once had a home for all who simply wanted to be a part of it.

For the ongoing health of this wonderful RP server we need to have safe places for our RPr’s both new and veteran where they can grow and develop their characters. This server was once a place for positive walk up RP on both sides followed by strong guild RP with individual themes and storylines our novice RPr’s can grow into becoming a veteran. This is the pipeline we so desperately need again. Tavern RP and walk up RP are vital to developing our next set of rising RP stars.

The guild presence remains strong here but our tavern representation is woefully inadequate in its current state. Veteran RP’rs usually will be there but only be in their “clique”. There are griefers abound at certain times and the new RPr feels very intimidated coming into all of this…They are thinking “How can I engage and walk up to this?” The truth is its incredibly difficult to do…and get a positive reaction.

There are things we can do…and if each of us makes a small change…it will add up and become something truly epic:

Veteran RPr’s: Try to be more open to others with small interactions if it does not mess with your immersion or your characters storyline. Once again we all pay to play here and we all use our time on WoW for different reasons. I am not telling anyone how to play BUT for those that want to be selfless and help…No one is asking anybody to go off the deep end…just a simple wave does quite a lot for a newbie.

The current poltics at hand: Anyone who reads these forums or has a real passion for WoW knows what is going on right now IRL. I will not get into the details of it or get into my personal opinion on this subject. However it can get us down…the ones that are left still playing…are disheartened and not sure where to turn.

We can all do something in game to make a difference. Make us feel better and promote positivity. let’s be kind those who may be new and discovering Azeroth for the first time or RP. BE INCLUSIVE! Take a stand in game that you will propel kindness and end cyber bullying. Honestly we really don’t know how this is all going to play out in the end…All I know is I will play my character the way I want to play her…be inclusive with all …and like the captain…I will go down with the ship if she sinks…


No no it’s okay!! I’m very glad you can be this passionate even with something like this.

I’m glad I could help inspire and I can only hope we can continue to cultivate these things once again. We just need to keep doing our best, and put our energy into the right things.

I’m very thankful for what I’ve been able to do and I will continue to do so. And I’m thankful people like you are there to be a part of it!!

Thank you again for your kind words.

And while this is a wrap and I’m done with Great-Father for the Winter I still can do one more event while Winter Veil is active! But for now, I’m making wishes come true!!

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ITS THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN!!! Merry Winter Veil! and Oh…I see we have new faces in line, scales and wings and claws oh my! Well, all are welcome to meet with Great-Father Winter…so down below this post, please let me know if you have any questions, comments or just want to boost my listing for support! Thank you all for the kindness in my times of doing this!

:snowflake: :gift: :christmas_tree: