Haunt in PVP

So…haunt now does damage in PVP, great.

My tooltip says haunt hits for 311K.

On the PVP dummy, it hits for 125K, consistently, and never much more. No other damaging effects, debuffs, or buffs on me during this test.

On a player, it’s hitting for about 215K.

What’s going on here? Some kind of bug?

That was probably a crit.

Errr the tooltip on the spell says ‘haunt will hit for 311k’.

It’s not ‘up to’ 311k, and even when I crit, it’s nowhere near 311k.

Does it say 311k baseline with no procs and what-not?
311k seems very high. For me Haunt is 60k but in PVP it changes to 150k.

Granted i’m just in 495 gear not PVP gear, but even with my Int trinket proc the highest I’ve seen is 180k.

Yep, just 311k in the tool tip with no modifiers or anything. I’m just Auto attacking a Target PVP dummy with full conquest gear so that my PVP gear activates.

It says it does this damage sitting at the starting point of a battleground too.