Hate blood elves want high elves?

Bunch of weird crap.

Rank 12 baby.
Its so nice.

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Lol :joy:

I am Tyrandia.

But yes most of that was


I digress

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Gang gang!

I can only dream :pleading_face::pleading_face:

Also lmao starlagosa

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Aren’t blood elves high elves ? Or am I missing something?

The rep is actually easier than you think there. 800/day gimme daily for doing other things that all get rep. It’s a much much more chill place to grind rep than Naz.

(MurgAltℱ Confirmed)

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Oh for sure, but I have no reason to bother with Naz beyond what I needed for flying.

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Yes they are, you’re not missing anything. :kissing_cat:


I’m pretty sure this is the alt I’m going to burn my free 120 from the SL pre-buy on. Haven’t quite decided but it’s seeming more likely all the time.

(MurgAltℱ Confirmed)

Wait speaking of helfs, why do dks have blue eyes ?

Because the sky is blue and they go halfway up to heaven when they die so when they get raised they only go halfway and when they get back their eyes are blue.

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Lmao :joy::joy::joy:

Aren’t I a playable high elf? I have blue eyes ?

Cold death magic stuff
 but honestly some dude thought it looked cool. Everything else come after.

I see, so it had nothing to do with the arcane that the high elf’s had ?

Death Knights? All DKs have that stuff going on.

But it’s not the reason their eyes are blue though right?