Has TSM addon grown to powerful?

That’s what I proposed, make the deposit an actual deposit at 20% of the list price that only gets refunded if the item sells or the auction expires.

Currently it is just a listing fee that never gets refunded and on some items it’s absurd. Like Augment runes which are close to 20% at the price they’re selling at.

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if your a pet expert i wouldnt mind if you added me for some free advice, i have a bank FULL of leveling pet charms but really know nothing about what pets are powerful or useful or mainstream used pets across various content.

I’m one of those long boys that just sits at a mailbox, this account is just basically for that now since most goblins have 2 accounts. 1 for play, 1 for cancel scanning constantly. If you ask most goblins too they actually dislike the way things are currently as well but you gotta do what you gotta do to stay competitive in the market.

TSM is fine

And no, i didn’t read that single paragraph with some kind of buried logic that would counter my opinion…

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Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

People just really hate having to compete with other players for anything in MMOs.

When TSM broke for a bit at the start of the patch, it didn’t really stop people from typical AH behavior. If anything, it just made it obnoxious for casual players and they’re the ones who stopped posting.

If we’re going to talk about unfair advantages with addons, I’ll just gesture towards DBM and how that needs to be broken and tossed aside because it’s automating raids and dungeons as much as TSM automates the AH. What’s next? Macros are automating gameplay? Remove arena targeting macros, it’s an advatnage I can’t take advantage of because my hands are too small.

And if you don’t want to participate in an extremely active market and deal with cancel scanning, don’t partipate in those markets? I don’t do SL legendaries because I don’t want to spend every 30 minutes cancelling auctions, and I’ve still made over 25 million gold this expansion off the AH alone.

People on my server know who I am now and DM me asking if I can get a hold of certain things for them for cheaper than the AH fee, or if I have the pattern to craft x or y.

I’ve experienced more toxicity from people who don’t want to put any effort into the AH and demand the economy change because they don’t want to actually participate, than actual gold farmers. Heck, I’ve even gotten some content groups going with other gold-makers and we organize when we post to ensure we’re not messing with each other.

Gold community has been refreshing compared to mythic raiders and PvPers.

Same people who tell everybody else to git gud don’t like being told to git gud over economy end game.

Agree that bliz should probably cut off the AH from addon access

But it should coincide with a dramatic improvement to the AH UI, because a lot of AH transactions are excessively tedious and time consuming especially for low value items combined with constant rapid inflation from putting gold on the cash shop

Sadly bliz has a direct conflict of interest as they’d rather more people skipped the AH and just bought gold

I use Rematch and TSM. If you can’t beat them. JOIN THEM.

TSM is amazing. Especially when you use it while using your competitor’s Bruto.

AH PvP is a blast.

Easy fix. Item listed stays listed for the full duration. Even if you cancel it.

I think it’s working as intended, the intent being making buying and selling on the AH unprofitable to players who aren’t willing to invest most of their playing time and energy into being a wheeler-dealer, who will thus need to buy tokens to support their need for gold.

Just another part of the game that Blizzard has converted to min maxing.

No Blizzard horrible AH fix made it worse,

Although once I made about 30 million after 9.2 release I was pretty satisfied to slow down again. Upping my game time, loading up some Bnet currency and just casually AH to gold make now. I probably only draw in 100-400k in a week now with almost no cancel scanning at all depending on luck.