Has there ever been a "type" of human in the lore?

Blizzard actually specifically said this is not the case. Kul Tirans being big is just for variety, they don’t have Drust genes. There’s just as many super-thin and “normal” Kul Tiran NPCs as big ones.


I dont get why for you the Stromguard and Arathi have more connections with the vrykuls than the others, i remind you that the tomb of Tyr is in Tirisfal, so the one group of human that would have most connection with the vrykuls would be the Lordaeron humans not Stromguard ones…

Thats where i find your line of thoughts being false…its like you try so hard to give you right that you make stuff up like “ho but the humans of stromguard are different thats why arathi blablabla” but why would they be different than other humans?

And, your problem is : That you are trying to “explain” a gameplay model with lore, i find it quite alarming how some people are trying to explain such things, if the Kul tirans playable model is different its simply because the game was not meant to manage “body type” its not because there is a lore association to it.

Whats up next? You going to explain me why there is thin humans?

Here’s Ulfar’s quote. It implies that his Drust joined the Kul’tirans.

You’re a Drust? Wasn’t there a war against them?

Indeed I am. Not all of my people agreed with the conflict. Have you never seen division among your own?
We Thornspeakers joined Kul Tiran society. Some of their descendants heard the call of the wilds and wished to learn the ancient ways, and so we have taught them.

Yes this quest is here to explain why the Kul tirans can be druid, and it is not stated anywhere here that the humans of Kul tirans have a bigger body type because of the mixing. Thats the thing.

If a human and a Drust have a child together. Would they not be bigger? The implication is there. The Drust Thornspeakers joined Kul’tiran and in time became one people. A Kul’tirans stands shoulder high to a Vrykul on average. A human from Stormwind/Lordaeron are just above the waist.

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You are just doing headcanon here, you implying things that were not direcctly stated.

And yet again, you are implying things like “blood purity” which is not good.

And also, then why does the Arathi have such body type too? They mixed with drust too? They already mixed with elves…

And so, the thin humans are thin humans because they mixed up with undead?

You just again try to explain gameplay with lore and make up things.

Plus, in the part you said its not stated that they actually got kids with drust.

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I don’t think the implication is blood purity. Simply adding to the admixture of humanity who in this game are descended from half giants. Arathi are half elves, and you see how tall some of them are? You ignore Ulfar’s retelling of the Drust war and the outcome, assuming that the Thornspeakers are just regular humans, but they hear the call of the wilds and have distinct character because of this ancestry.

But thing is, Ulfar actually dont state that the Kul tirans and Drust got kids together he says “Their descendants” (the Kul tirans).

But Ulfar dont says that the Thornspeaker had descendants, in fact, he is the last of them, he talk about descendants of the Kul tirans humans.

It Indirectly does, you cant ignore it.

I see this being said a lot, but in what way vrykuls are half giants? They are titanfroged thats it.

Ah so now, its because of elf blood that they have kul tirans models? You are not getting any better…

What are you talking about? Reread my comments. The Arathi have elf and human admixture and humans are descended from half giant Vrykul.

And her point I believe is some humans are just naturally bigger. It’s nothing special

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Well, then why do you try to make beleive that the kul tirans being bigger than other humans are like this because of drust mixity? If all humans descends from the vrykuls and thus some are like this…

I feel like you are retropedaling your point here, because well, yes, its what i am saying, there is humans bigger than others just ike well…irl? =p Nothing to do with some blood purity or mixing.

Exactly! Thanks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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the kul tirans are just slightly bigger. they’re no different from regular humans in any biological way, per the notes and trivia section of kul tiras’ wiki page. frankly i’m surprised i don’t recall seeing anyone mention the heartsbane coven, the witches in it are humans who’ve had their bodies altered by their death magic. also, in addition to the fel-corrupted humans from the legion rogue campaign, kanrethad ebonlocke has been so altered by the fel to the point of becoming an out-and-out demon, so idk if he still qualifies but he seems worth pointing out.

They’re taller than draenei lol.

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fair. my point is, they’re not more vrykul than a ‘regular’ humie

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Because overtime humans became smaller. They were born deformed and weak relative to their Vrykul parents. If a Drust and Human were to mate the recessive traits become more prominent aka bigger humans. A child of a human and a Vrykul would likely be taller, stronger and possess traits of both.

Kul’tirans by Ulfar’s own admission are the children of the Thornspeaker Drust with local humans. These children hear the call of the wilds and seek him out. Humans can be bigger or smaller depending on their ancestry and parental traits.

Thank you, I was looking for the source since my earlier post but I couldn’t find it.


Thin humans are a different body type for the Kul Tiran humans. They are not a different race. The team wanted bigger and smaller models to fit the various NPC roles and add more flavor to the world.

That’s what I was referring to when I said the other day that they explicitly did not interbreed with the Drust. It’s just body type variety.

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By the Light, these green skinned invaders are enormous!” the soldier said, craning his neck upwards to regard the face of his nearly eight foot tall, totally unremarkable human—just one example of many, really—commander.


Originally, the Thornspeakers were a Drust organization. Druidism was the old ways of the Drust, from before the time of Gorak Tul But not all of the Drust agreed to wage war against the human settlers thousands of years ago. A thornspeaker known as [Sef Iwen] spoke out against it, believing it to be unnecessary and that the Drust and Humanity could live in harmony. Given an ultimatum, to attack the humans or to live in the woods forever, Sef chose the latter; believing Tul simply meant to exile her. Instead, she was murdered by Gorak Tul and her soul torn from her body then shackled to the remains; forcing her to live as a spirit forever in the woods that would eventually become the Glenbrook Hunting Grounds, her death meant as an example to those who would seek to work with the humans. This, amongst the other atrocities that Gorak Tul would commit against the humans, eventually led to Sef’s fellow Thornspeakers rebelling against Gorak Tul and aiding the humans. This led the Thornspeakers to leave the Drust and join Kul Tiran society. Some of the humans’ descendants heard the call of the wilds and sought to learn the ancient ways, which the Thornspeakers taught them. Now Ulfar is the only Drust Thornspeaker left

I do see why this looks like it is hinting at Drust-Human reproduction, but to me it’s clear they’re talking about the Kul Tiran humans adopting Thornspeaker culture and magics.

To me, the sentence is very clearly talking about descendents of humans. Not descendents of the humans and drust (IE: “some of their descendents”), but specifically just the Kul Tirans (IE: “some of the humans’ descendents”).

But I do see why you’re reading it differently than me.


When I read it and the way I interpret it, Kul’tiran culture isn’t wholly human as in the mainland humans. They clearly follow a divergent culture closest being their progenitors in Gilneas, but if we look at their form of druidism. This isn’t Harvest Witches, this is Drust Druidism. Not only that, they’re way taller than average humans on the mainland, but this can be game aesthetic, but then why give in-lore reasons which only get expanded throughout BFA and beyond? Remember Captain Amalia Stone? She’s even shown in game as being far taller than the average Forsaken. Another implication of these tall traits.
