Has communication gotten better from Blizzard?

no lol

There was a time, long ago in the days of double-digit millions of subs, when patches, even those of the X.Y.Z variety, were accompanied by extensive Dev notes.

Those days, and by and large, those devs, are long gone.

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This lol.
“We understand that you guys want pvp vendors”
“we don’t think it makes sense”

No, things haven’t improved, the 1 blog post was a nice change of pace, but it’s been overwhelming radio silence otherwise.

Also, they either need to get real with Q&As or stop them altogether. An hour of Ion deflecting and giving evasive non-answers to softball questions wastes the time of everyone involved (including his and Lore’s) not to mention the people who actually watch it.

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Fair enough. Assuming they are actually telling the truth.

Which, I gotta be honest, I don’t know why people still watch those things. And then, to top the whole thing off?

They get upset.

Dude, I’m surprised you’re surprised.

People confuse “no communication whatsoever” with “does not answer the specific questions I personally want”

Could it be better? Definitely. Could many of the suggestions help here? Definitely.

But pretending like it has not improved at all is just an extreme exaggeration that takes away from a legit point.

GC missed the most obvious option. He almost got it right with Option 1, reworked for your reading pleasure:

“1. You shipped X. Players want Y. You open a dialog with the players to explain why you shipped X, and listen to why they want Y. In the process, you may convince them that X is better, but they may also convince you that YOU got it wrong and Y is the better choice.”

Not that it’s ever going to go down that way …


Yes it has

Not agreeing with what they said isn’t the same as not communicating :smiley:

I seen so many threads and post saying" they are not doing exactly as i want therefore they are not communicating" :rofl::rofl:

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The changes to the azerite system (moving it from the items to the neck)…doesn’t that directly conflict with that last statement?

I mean…I’m fairly certain the devs are more concerned with communicating with current players. So yes, it is improved, whether you recognize it as such or not. If they don’t keep it up that would be a problem, but they’ve at least showed promise.

Depends on perspective. Does moving a junk car from your driveway to curbside constitute an improvement? As the home owner, you’d think it does; but the HoA certainly won’t agree with you. It’s still a junker in plain view …

are they? so far alphas and betas is nothing but a showcase for mythic raiders to test the first raid and youtubers to get views and content, live isnt much better currently… the same Q&A’s with the same questions, using sarcasm as joke to kinda bash players that ask way better questions, chores as “dailies” poorly reward system and my favourite RNG ON TOP OF RNG.

if they would actually listen and dont go full deaf on purpose with “mUh gAmE MuH rUlEs” there wouldnt be so much prunning and RNG on top of RNG in game.

What perspective?

Blizzard : We put traits on your items!
Players : We don’t like this!
Blizzard : You sure? Its cool because X!
Players : It would be better if it was on neck because Y!
Blizzard : Ok, we will put it on neck

Can you link that conversation? I don’t recall seeing it … or is that YOUR perspective on how it happened?


Blizzard literally tried to convince us that traits on gear items was better.

Moving traits to the neck, and being able to select from a list of them was literally a community suggestion.

Links please.

Of course no one is that obvious. But its clear. Because anyone who says there is no communication, when the facts disagree, is exaggerating to push an agenda.

I am not saying there has been enough communication. I am not saying I am happy with the current amount of communication.

To be fair I saw a lot more saying to just scrap the pointless grind and retention mechanics.

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So it’s your perspective on how it happened. Not arguing that it DIDN’T happen, but without seeing proof of that conversation, it’s just as possible that the decision was made for other reasons. They don’t tell us their reasons, they just do stuff and leave it up to the individual player to come up with the “why.”