Has anyone purged their old characters?

Yeah yeah, lemme think…back at the beginning of BfA I had 12 characters, mostly alts on both factions so I could get the epic drops from Warfronts a lot quicker (had the worst time with shoulders for some reason). After BfA I chopped 4 of ‘em off ta get down ta 8, an’ this xpac I cropped 3 more off for a total of 5:

  • Goblin hunter
  • Goblin shaman
  • Goblin warlock
  • Forsaken mage
  • Dwarf mage

Basically got 1 alt on Alliance just in case but really don’t venture over there too much, but I do like dwarves so that’s an excuse. I like havin’ fewer alts ta focus on ‘cuz it’s a lot cheaper ta keep everyone in gear an’ mats the less ya got, right?