I decided a long loooooooooong time ago. Night Elf Hunter is what I will always be in Classic. I’ve rolled other races/classes and it never feels right.
Tauren Druid.
Decided on it back in 2005 after making a mistake of going warrior first.
For Classic the only thing that has changed is that I ain’t gonna do the warrior mistake this time and go straight for the Tauren Druid.
I have thought long and hard about it, even tried a few toons on a private classic server.
Originally I thought I wanted to be a prot warrior. But, I have realized I don’t want to no life it enough to be a MT1, which is really the only way I’d want to play prot warrior, plus the solo leveling is awful.
Then I thought maybe warlock was the answer. Leveling was tons of fun, I felt unique in that the class played vastly different from other classes. But then I heard that after they are geared, Shadow Priest are just warlocks but better.
So now I have been trying out priest and I love them. Pretty much no downtime or threat of my own death. Everyone wants to group with me. The hardest part was choosing a race due to the priest extra two racials.
I ended up deciding on Troll Priest. Going to go female because I am not a big fan of the vanilla troll male model, but the female one looks fine, probably the best model out of the vanilla horde races besides Tauren, which I would have gone if they could be priest.
…which has nothing to do with anything in my post, but thanks for your pointless response.
Yes. Female Troll Mage for my main. I’ll decide if I want alts later.
Think I might try out a humy warlock… made one way back in vanilz, but never got her higher than lvl 20 (I think)… and once I found out how much fun druids and hunters were, kinda forgot about her… >.<
Undead Rogue on a PVP server and a Human mage on a PVE server
Really? I don’t remember being able to do that in vanilla.
couldnt in vanilz… but this wont be vanilz, it shall be “classic”
That is a change and I’m not cool with changes.
Troll priest for those sweet orbs
Tauren Druid as my first alt
Gnome dunno, probably warlock.
Your post mentioned wanting to play both alliance and horde as well as pvp. So it ,in fact, had everything to do with your post as those were the only 3 things you mentioned.
Stay classy.
It should have said can(t)
I’m fairly certain about Troll Shaman.
but every once in a while I think maybe Human or Night Elf Priest.
Human or Undead Warlock for me. Comes down to what my friends who plan to play both sides want to level first.
Dwarf Priest as main, I’m sure i’ll do a rogue and hunter at some point too.
Human Rogue, Human Warlock, and/or Tauren Druid.
You posited it as a question whose answer I was unaware of. I intend to play both factions, I don’t intend to play them on the same server (because if they stay true to actual vanilla, you’re wrong in the first place as you couldn’t have characters from opposing factions on PvP servers), and I’m lamenting not being able to play Tauren Shaman because the leeway mechanic combined with the naturally larger hitbox means Elemental would be severely hamstrung.
Again, your response served no purpose. See ya.
I wish I was.
Mostly it’s down to wanting to be able to work with my son and a few friends who are not yet decided on what they want.
Warrior Tank (he’s locked in)
Priest (maybe)
Hunter (slow)
Rogue (slower!)
Son (Hunter/Rogue/Lock, he cannot pick)
So I’m looking at what do I do if we have a Warrior/Priest? I may just go Mage, but I’ve never played one and if my son is a Lock, then we will be rolling over loot.