Has Anyone Definitively Decided?

I wassss definitely going hunter but now I’m thinking more Forsaken Mage

Well definitely warlock, don’t know whether I want to do horde or alliance though.

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Definitively decided my class 14 years ago in vanilla: druid. Been playing it ever since. And we don’t really get a race choice for druid in vanilla.

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Just a faction choice.

I started playing live again… back in the guild so not even sure I will play classic anymore :frowning:

That said was either gonna go orc warrior, rogue or hunter. Probably hunter for the solo prowess.

Troll Hunter.


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Wait, so community kept you playing a bad game? What a surprise. Someone should tell Blizzard. :stuck_out_tongue:


orc warrior, undead priest, either orc warlock or UD mage.

Dwarf Priest.

Shadow to level then full healing at 60.

Already joined a private server guild that full clears Naxx.

This is starting to look like it’s gonna be a blast!

Orc. Hunter.
…because that’s how God intended it to be.

My plan is Orc Warlock main with a Tauren Druid alt to tank for my friends.

I really want to heal as a pally too though so I have a dilemma on if I should play horde or alliance.

Horde rogue. More than likely UD but a female orc is tempting as well.

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Care to explain?

Rogue, either human or undead. Gonna duel and world PVP a bunch.

Dwarf Paladin!! I live by righteousness and holiness!


Dwarf something or Tauren something – the only two races I can identify with.

Yes i have.

Definitely levelling a mage and a paladin first.
The mage will be troll and frost for PvE
I haven’t decided on the paladin yet. I want to roll dwarf so much and I’m inclined to do so anyways but the human weapon racial is very attractive for ret although i’ll be speccing holy/ret hybrid.

Dwarf Priest main for pve to gear for wpvp. Still undecided on my alt, either gnome/human frost mage/rogue for wpvp/farming.

I was sure I want to be a rogue. Cant decide between Undead or Orc tho. I like the looks of the UD, but the orc stun resist is just too good. Lately ive also been tempted to roll Orc warrior like i did in vanilla. helppp