Has Anyone Definitively Decided?

Tauren Druid
Orc Warlock or UD Priest alt

True, but if you want to be tank #1 or #2, you really should be human. Your threat is what permits more raid dps in those cases, so you got to min max.

I tanked classic through Naxx and end of BC as well as an Arms/Prot hybrid, not even pure Prot XD. Many server first clears in BC were done by my guild with me as the MT. Was the first warrior on my server to complete tier sets in BC as well as my guild chose to funnel then to me. So, I’d definitely say I was a #1.

It’s not really an issue in my experience. All you needed back then was last stand, imp shield block, and whatever you could toss in defiance and gtg.

That’s because you were Alliance with Thunderfury and your dps probably didn’t complain to you, but to others.

Troll Mage - PvE DPS and farming
Undead Priest - Heals
and if time…
Tauren Shaman - PvP WF proc fun

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Warlock main
Warrior alt
Human prefer, but friends are going horde

All female

Awesome man!! I will make my Shaman on the cst PvP and be your pocket healer for leveling and PvP. I will post my shaman once I get his name on the 13th. Can’t wait!


Master race/class: Human Male Paladin.


I’m playing tauren shaman for main. Dwarf paladin for Alliance alt. Unsure on other Horde alts, thinking about druid or warlock (I didn’t play either of those classes in Vanilla), but that’s not really something I’m going to need to know for a while.

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Tauren Shaman, no hesitation.


I’ll be maining Orc Shaman, specing enhance to level though trying to befriend lots of warriors and rogues to do AoE windfuzzy dungeon leveling. At max level i’ll run 30/0/21 Elem/Resto to pvp on, dungeons and for most raid encounters. I’ll dabble with pure Resto for min/maxing.

Alt Druid to tank 5mans, and casually tank raids at 60.

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We actually never got a thunderfury. For that matter we never got any two handed dps weapons either past Untamed Blade lmao. But dear lord every single one of our warlocks and druids were completely pimped to the point we were bringing pug or alts to raids because there was nothing left for ours mains lol.

It’s possible our DPS complained, but unlikely. We were a pretty laid back crew and allowed all sorts of nonsense in our raids as far as builds.

The game simply wasn’t as hard as most people made it out to be. Most of the difficulty was in gear checks, which just ment time farming for the raid, with a few exceptions for truly mechanically interesting bosses. But a lot of those weren’t hard either once you had the mechanics down, to the point you could do them fairly undergeared.

The real difficulty in classic was getting 40 people to show up on time. That one was pretty much the biggest reason so much content was missed by so many imo.

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Don’t forget you will be rolling those two on different servers.

Yeah that would be really cool. Great idea on posting names on the 13th.

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Yeah good advice all. Remember your horde and alliance toons have to be on different PvP servers.

Yes :wink:

Gnome Mage
Gnome Rogue
Human Priest
Night Elf Drood
Human Paladin

Leveled roughly in that order.

I don’t understand the assignment. :pensive:

Heh, question answered right?

But my plan is Night Elf Druid, followed by a Human Rogue, followed by a Gnome Mage. Always has been.

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So difficult to decide! I keep thinking, What about…? Then I look it up on the talent calculator, decide, without a doubt, that I’m doing that class. Then the same thing happens again in a day or two.

My two favorites, that I keep going back to:
Dwarf hunter (though still unsure of pet), and
Tauren shaman.

I never played shaman, but tried it during both stress tests, and loved it!

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