We are a guild with a chill, friendly environment focused on AoTC that will push into mythic each tier.
High: RDPS
Raid Days & Times:
Monday: 6:00pm - 9:00pm (PST)
Tuesday: 6:00pm - 9:00pm (PST)
Discord: Jacintoness
BNET: Jacintoness#1953
Lets make it happen captain!
tank looking for raid guild next patch
Still looking for a warrior?
hey Jac, you guys have a specific “need”?
my (soon to be) warband is: Demo Lock, Ret Pally, Balance Druid, or BM Hunter.
what spots are available?
If you are still in need of healers I have holy priest, resto shammy/druid. Would one be more in demand than the other?