Thank you to everyone with big hearts who adopt rescue pets.
That tongue pokeing out, so cute
They are both wonderful!!
<3 Cutie I adopted from Petsmart which has an adopt out program with local animal shelters in the area. Harley was a little jelly bean I found in the driveway and nursed lol
That was a trip and a half.
ikr?! He does that a lot and idk why he just sits there going “blep” lol
I think what happens is he gets to playing or cleaning and he just forgets to stick his tongue back in? Idk. All I know is it’s cute lol
Thank you! <3
Kitty pets.
I don’t think a cat would like to be petted that way, you have to be gentle.
Depends on the cat. Some cats love it some cats hate it.
That’s like Cutie if I tap right behind her tail to lightly she bites me then if I tap harder she is happy and purrs really loud.
She is a weirdo lol
this reminds me i should post a pic of gus. hes a big boy now.
Yes! Would love to see the doggo
Any reason why your cat has a collar? Seems unnatural to me
would to see the *dog.
how is this wow related, go to offtopic section
Hehe, blep!
Yes! They are indoor cats and they have the collars and all that. They get real mad if I take em off. The collars also have a name tag incase they get out or get lost, folks know who to call etc. Cutie has snuck out a couple times although wanting back in right after sneaking out.
^ asking folks how their year has been going etc.
hehe blep
Here we can microchip our cat so we don’t have to put a collar, less convenient for them.
And if they ever get lost, they can scan their chip and they have all our infos which is great I they ever get lost
They are both microchipped but we have an issue with feral cats and most folks if they see a cat running around they just think it’s another feral or stray cat and don’t bother taking it in to get scanned.
Doing this ensures there’s 2 methods of contact, especially if something were to happen with the microchip and it fails.
And here’s the thing too, if the cats didn’t like the collars etc I wouldn’t put them on and use the microchip. If they don’t have their collars on they get upset. Cutie pecks at hers wanting me to put it back on and rubs up against it and Harley meows really loud.
Cat says
hehe indeed he does! He does that XD
Idk where he’s at right now he’s around here somewhere. lol
I’m glad Harley is doing well! Zelda turned 5 on the 20th of July, and it was 2 years since I adopted her as of the 4th of this month. Here’s a picture of her in her birthday hat.
Yep, she still does not appreciate hats.
I hope you and everyone here is doing well or at least “okay enough”…that’s been my goalpost for a very long time, and even that’s been difficult to reach over the last about 10 months. I had switched back to a different anti-anxiety that worked much better than what I take now; I used to take it before I needed my thyroid medication. But, changing back resulted in major problems, which I knew was a possibility. I’m back on what I was on, but it’s not as effective for me for my anxiety. I can say though that I have a better endocrinologist now who has helped me actually get to a more correct dosage of the lovothyroxine I take, which is definitely nice because that was part of the issue I was having with my old endocrinologist who simply really didn’t care but was the only close one in my network since I moved back this area. The only issues I have with my current endocrinologist is that I have to drive about an hour and 20 minutes to get there, and the office visits are out of pocket (just shy of $600 not including blood work etc though the insurance did pay part of that because it went through labcorp) because it’s out of network (my insurance is absolutely atrocious anyways…I know you are in Kentucky, Fuzz, but I hope you don’t have Bluegrass Family Health…I’m in southern Indiana at a transportation/logistics company, and we used to have Humana but about 3-4 years ago, to save money, the owner decided to get this junk that was re-sold with our comprehensive trucking insurance that we had to switch to when other company dropped us due to a series of 3 fatal accidents in a couple of years). I hate insurance…with the dental they provide, I pay 20% more in in premiums than it even pays out max per year. But, my blood pressure is more right at this point because the dosage is close to what I need, and it wasn’t with my other doctor.
Anyway, sorry for going so far off your happy topic, Fuzzbutt.