need a tank please. where be art thou?!
bumping for a tank
hunters, warlocks and boomys maybe too? who knows :’)
all of da peeps, where are you! looking for more people to join.
looking for a handful of dps, high priority on warrior and monk!
Still looking for some more DPS. Come one come all.
bumping for dps and os healers
Still looking for people!
bumping for dps!
Still looking for more people!
So people are aware of what they’re getting into with this guild.
- Leadership is non-existent here. During raid you’ll get inconsistent callouts and some pulls you won’t get any. Had 2 players leave after being promoted to raider in the last month because they were asking for feedback from officers and never even got the decency of a reply other than “go talk to insert different officer name here” for it to turn into an endless loop of that.
- Roster issues are a serious problem in this guild. In the 4 months I was here we went through 5 tanks and at least 10 dps have left, including myself. They’re also losing their best healer next week. Every raid day for the last month, raid has started at least 20 minutes late and this week they didn’t raid at all because of people not showing up with their barebones roster.
- Several Raiders care only about the parse, including during progression, currently they’re struggling on Stone Legion Generals, over 220 pulls in without ever seeing P3, because they refuse to call out the same 6 players not following kill priorities, especially considering because one of them is dating the recruitment officer. Keep in mind if they were actually looking at logs as the leadership claims, they would have seen all these people targeting the wrong targets and causing triple winds or the goliath staying alive for 20+ seconds at a time.
- The officers are nice to your face and will badmouth you behind your back with other raiders in the channel with them, I listened on several occasions to them talking about nearly half the current roster calling them names and just overall badmouthing the players and their performances. I made the mistake of thinking some people in this guild were my friends, but I found out pretty quickly that they did the same to me that they did with others.
They’ll claim I’m just being salty or toxic, but take some advice from someone who had enough and quit the game because of this guild, this guild isn’t worth your time and I guarantee you that you can find a better and more genuine guild. If for whatever reason you do decide to join this guild, don’t make the same mistake I did and think the leadership are your friends, they aren’t and they will stab you in the back the second it’s more convenient for them.
bumping for a few dps
Still in need of some good dps ;p
Still need some dps and off healers!
Still looking for some DPS and even a healer !
still looking for off spec healers
Still looking for more people
bumping for dps with healing os
Bumping for DPS ! Looking for more people
bump for dps and healers!
what the guy above me said.