Guild dead

Hello seal
I got a monk dps if you ever need this
6/10 normal

send me a btag or disc friend request and we can talk

Looking for more

Looking for more dps

still lookin for more

lookin for more dps

still needin more people

Bumping this. We need more friends :slight_smile:

always looking for more

Going back into mythic tomorrow night :slight_smile: Come play with us.

still lookin for more boomies

Couple melee to fill out our windfury group would be nice too

praise be windfury need more for the meme team 6 party

bumping this up

Looking for more players to fill out the roster

Any disc priests looking for a new home?

lookin for them discs

bumping this

hello there,

im an old vet raider who has applied and sent a friend request on disc to the gm. if i can be of use i would love to help.


Looking for more people :slight_smile: