Translation: No intelligent rebuttal available, no wonder everyone here meme’d on you lol
You are trying to flex on me by saying I’m posting on the forums too fast and you have enough posts to post on this forum once a day for over 30 years. What kind of rebuttal do you think you deserve? I already give you enough by paying taxes.
Yup and I got paid for all of them while you’re taking away time from your Sunday to respond to me. That’s how much power I have over you. I could keep you here forever If I wanted to.
You definitely don’t sound like a societal parasite. You should show me some respect.
- Horde is locked on PVP Server
- Create Hardcore PVE Horde character
- Die on Hardcore PVE Horde character.
- By-pass the lock through this method.
- This is why you’re sent to a PVE server.
Exactly correct.
I respect your ability to make an entire online discussion forum of people laugh.
Would you talk to your father that way?
Nope, only “unwashed losers” lol.
I’m the one who pays for your chicken nuggets while you are making 12,000 forum posts, you should quit being so rude.
Well get back to work then, remember, you work for me.
You are going to hear this from social services one day.