Hardcore Servers being neglected resulting in thousands of hours lost

Oh you mind posting your evidence?

Guessing you can find it yourself as your likely already well aware of the incident, If not, search by your guild name, and griefing on YouTube. Also again, technically it wasn’t cheating, it was just a byproduct of what occurs when you have the ability to appeal deaths, and the HC challenge veered from HC on BSB early on to what became more appeal-core.

While I typically don’t jump on the slippery slope type arguments, unfortunately this is one of the cases where undoubtably any rollback for any reason would lead to more and more abuses, they started with good intentions on BSB, ultimately though you simply can’t manage that type of thing or ever be fair, so the fairest way is simply not to get even go down the path once.

So at least now we established that you are arguing against a complete strawman. Nobody is asking for any grief-appeals - it’s good that Blizzard started banning them on Officials though.

We also established that you are misrepresenting the history of the SoM / Era appeals.
Griefing was ALWAYS appealable - nothing was “abused” or “started with good intentions” and then fell off.
If you want to argue otherwise, you might want to post any evidence of appeals being abused

My suspicion that you are a Blizzard dev is growing stronger and stronger since they also don’t know much about HC.

How about you show your HC char? Probably can’t because if you actually played HC you would know about the poop state the servers are in. You just live in the forums

See while you say your only arguing for limited rollbacks now, it will never end that way, even if thats all you really want, it simply creates a huge support problem once you give in to those who want appeals. There will always be an argument, for the fairness, especially if some big guild or streamers somehow manages to get restored, while some random player doesn’t.

I also have zero faith that people like you, though not necessarily you, who are arguing for just limited rollbacks in this situation, won’t demand rollbacks in other “unfair” situations in the future. I mean its not a huge stretch, based non your expressed views about the “appeals” on BSB which you seem to feel were just fine, which shows that how your view of HC and mine differ significantly as I always found the appeals on BSB to violate the spirit of what HC is and feel that at no time were they legitimate, yes I also know they were “fine” by add-on standards, course it didn’t make it HC either.

Also it doesn’t matter about what character I have on my profile, the opinion doesn’t change either way even if I only had a level 5 HC char, and you demanding some sort of appeal-core also doesn’t change or have any more credibility because your posting on a 60. It’s also fine for us to have differing opinions. You want a situational safety net, because you want to feel your death is fair. I want zero safety nets for any reason, I don’t care if deaths are fair and thats what I feel HC is.

My guess is you will continue to attack me, instead of addressing the real issue about why many of us do not want even a limited appeal-core situation. You will of course ignore the fact that it would certainly be abused, and will justify this based on the idea that you have a 60, which obviously you feel somehow is special. Also you seem to feel if you can label me as a Blizzard Employee, it makes your demands and argument seem more legitimate, I assume so you can feel like you’re fighting the power and the great evil mega corporation that now is Microsoft.


He’s here looking for his Sancho Panza.

I think there’s a big difference between “appealcore” and a server meltdown. I understand the contract we signed and all, but comparing the two is just silly.

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While I realize there are various levels of appeal-core, I simply don’t think it can be managed, and I think that once you start having “Exceptions” to make the game fair, ultimately you will eventually lose control and end up with a completely unmanageable system that destroys what HC is, like happened with the add-on. I also have zero faith in anyone asking for limited rollbacks now not to ask for rollbacks in other situations, and find the “fair” argument belongs no where in HC.

I also feel an appeal system will get harder and harder to manage over time, due to the situation where people will feel the system is even more unfair, because some people, say a streamer will somehow get revived, while they don’t, and while it could be completely legit, it creates the view of an even more unfair situation, where then some people seem go get special consideration.

The reality is this isn’t a new discussion, it was hotly contested prior to the rules for HC coming out and even after they came out. There is the side that wanted a safety net, and then there were HC players that didn’t want a safety net at all, and that is the side that was probably happier with the rules as they were created. It’s also unlikely that both sides will ever agree here.

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dying through no fault of your own is all part of the charm of hardcore :expressionless:

I don’t believe people are asking for an appeal system here. The ask seems to be for a safety net when it’s clear that unstable servers have killed a multitude of players characters. Why do you keep referring to the appeal system (which was easily abused) when it’s clearly not what they are asking for.
I’ve been fortunate so far and have not been affected by any of these instances, but I can understand why this has been requested.

That’s fairly subjective Eyr.

If blizzard servers crash/lose connection anyone who dies in the first 10 minutes of a crash should have their character restored. There is 0 logic why they shouldn’t. I think past 10 minutes if you are still playing on DCing servers you’re an idiot and deserve to die. 0 shot Blizzard does not have this data. ISP personal/DCs are a tough luck situation, no way to prove it on a per person basis. But Blizzard servers are provable and easily trackable by blizzard.

Bro who you complaining to? Surely not Blizzard cause they aint listening my dude.

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but where does it end? if my town has a power outage and that ends up killing me, well, logically I have the same right to my character back that you do :expressionless:

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You mean the appeal core that said my appeal will be denied unless I buy them a pizza IRL?


Most definitely.

When necessary, you type in the command “/pizza” and a browser window opens in game so you can expedite that pie to Blizzard HQ.

Eyr, work on your analogies or ask a trusted adult for help.


Do I need to tip? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Buy it in the shop.
Tip Token. Or maybe they let you use bnet balance.

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Just give an ingame warning when tampering - everything OK.

That is not blizzard servers. This is a false equivalency.


You’re right, but the response about “where does it end” is very valid. The problem with exceptions in consistency. If we say that when the servers go down there is a rollback, then what if the servers don’t technically ‘go down’ but they lag for 1 full min, or what if they go down but its because of a power outage outside of Blizzard’s control? What if they don’t go down, but their net connection is severed because of a problem offsite?

The problem is consistency, you’d end up having some people get characters back for one reason, and others not getting them back for something that could be viewed as an equal reason.

The only way to truly be 100% consistent in treatment of exceptions, is to have no exceptions. Its unfortunate, but it really lends itself to the game mode being called “Hardcore.” We know and accept that there is an element of luck in leveling and maintaining a hardcore character. Any time you’re logged in there is a tiny chance you might die for something completely outside of your control.

That we have players running around in full bis gear; with legendaries, and groups that are killing KT, despite this extreme challenge (including the luck element), is what truly makes it HC in my book.


No its not. I was very specific. Blizzard server side issues. And specifically said any ISP/Personal connection issues is a touch luck situation.

No rollbacks are needed. Simple any characters that died during set times that server side lagged time was detected get revived.

You’re dumb.