Hardcore Offical: Pros & Cons

Sorry to hear that. It only takes a couple rotten apples to ruin a bushel.
BB has been my home since 2019, I’m playing HC currently and most of the players have been polite and even helpful.
We aren’t all baddies. :two_hearts:

Polite by saying good morning?
Helpful by saying things that we all know already?

They can’t help you in game. That is the Kargoz’s HC ruleset.

It’s still polite and nice to see.
Not all the HC players are like this:

That’s not appropriate but my personal experience includes sad incidents like this as well. However there are friendly people that are respectful of others playing in the game world with them even if not following a self-imposed ruleset.

I too have been on Bloodsail Buccaneers since it opened.
Even though the Horde was always the lower population faction it was still a great place to be. Old school vibes hit you right in the feels. It’s sad that changed but there are some players that try to carry it on.

Just please, some of you need to stop calling me “rp f_____” in whispers.
You’re (the general you not specific) really disturbing my groove.

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Curious, are you on Horde there? I RP my HC characters a bit and haven’t gotten any bad reactions. In fact sometimes I get passing convos emotes etc. There was a Druid in Teldrassil this evening who was only RP walking, but was HC as well. Saw another HC player walking with him in Darnassus a bit later. Was good to see.

pro : enchanting would be a feasible option. Unless you’re duoing with the addon, getting the rods is brutal.

Originally yes and for the most part now I play Horde.
But I have a couple on both sides though that may be changing. I’ve started playing Era on a different server with some friends and they have encouraged me to move my gang to the Mankrik cluster. Not totally sold on that idea since Blizz may surprise and give the hardcore folk their own spot so BsB can remain the RP server it is.

Who knows? There could be a RP resurgence once that happens.

That’s great.
Wonder if they are combining the HC thing with the LOTR challenge? If they are having fun I’m all for it. It’s not hindering or damaging to anyone else. Still baffled why asking a HC rogue to open a locked box for me is so triggering but c’est la vie.
De loa gonna fix him up good for dat.